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of 20 January 2016 on insurance distribution (recast)
Article 2
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, points 1) and 2), none of the following activities shall be considered as insurance or reinsurance distribution:
(b) the management, on a professional basis, of the claims of an insurance or reinsurance undertaking as well as the activities of assessment and settlement of claims;
- Topics:
- Transparency on conflicts of interest (Art. 19 IDD)
I have a query regarding the risk classification of medical device software. Is the risk classification for medical device software the same as for other medical devices, or are they considered separate? Your clarification on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
- Topics:
- Other
Could you please provide guidance on the Solvency II treatment of the following scenario: An insurance or reinsurance company, possibly a captive, provides a loan to a non-regulated entity within the same group. The loan has a limited term, and its interest rate is determined not only by the duration and credit quality of the borrower but also includes a feature that provides coverage for a defined insurance risk up to a certain limit during the loan term. This is called an Insurance Linked Loan (ILL).The loan's remuneration is variable and consists of three components: 1.The traditional interest components, based on credit quality and duration, 2.
- Topics:
- Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)
Is it the case that in column Maximum cover per treaty C0240, the total reinsurance cover including all reinstatements per reinsurance agreement should be reported, and that the amount will be the same for each reporting line for the agreement in question? Is it the case that in column Coverage of a layer covered by reinsurance C0245, reinsurance coverage inclusive and reinstatements per layer should be reported?
- Topics:
- Reporting Templates
For the "Income Protection" product described below in the "background of the question" can you kindly provide guidance on which shocks we should apply in calculation of the SCR? We are currently applying the normal standard ones 1. Central 2. Lapse up/down/mass 3. Expenses and inflation Do we need to apply the disability shocks to the Romania TTD or is this not required? Our thinking is that the "disability shocks" are not bases on traffic accidents but rather accidents unrelated to vehicle activity?
- Topics:
- Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)
The topic is road transport liability. Would it be possible to have it confirmed which non-life insurance class covers the freight carrier's liability for damage to the goods transported by road (CMR/contractual liability)?
We approach you since opinions seem to differ. In first instance it seems to be class 10, but then there is also the opinion that it is class 7 that covers the carrier's liability to the goods transported, because class 10 covers the driver's liability for damage to third parties, including bodily injury to any passenger.
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- Other
I have a follow-up question on ID 3095 - EIOPA . I have understood that "K" is not valid according to the dictionary and need to be replaced by the full code. But what about other sectors like "A" or "B", do these always require full four-digit reporting or is the 1st level still allowed with taxonomy 2.8.2?
- Topics:
- Reporting Templates
The question relates to the inputs used to construct USD risk-free rate. On the latest RFR Technical documentation (24-09-2024), table 5 on page 36 has column for 16 year tenor with USD marked as input to calculations. Is this intentional, as requesting data for RIC USDSROIS16Y= returns "Invalid RIC."?
- Topics:
- Risk Free Rate (RFR)
We would like a worked example of a treaty with multiple layers as there is still much doubt as to how to fill certain columns for such a case. For this example please assume the treaty is:1. XoL with 3 layers: 2m XS 1m, 2m XS 3m, 4m xs 5m2. no reinstatements3. NOT part of a wider reinsurance program (so as per Q&A#2692, C0040 and C0050 are empty). 4. Only one line of business is covered by the treaty Q&A1961 indicated that if a treaty has multiple layers then these should be reported "one by one". So we would expect our example above to be: - reported on 3 lines. - all 3 lines should have the same C0010, C0020, C0070 and C0240 (being 8m) C0030 being different for each line (going 1 through 3),
- Topics:
- Reporting Templates
From all of EIOPA's comments on the new column C0245, it seems the intention of S.30.03 C0245 is to indicate if, and to what extent, any layer is not 100% "covered" i.e. does C0245 equal C0230 or not (which is our understanding of EIOPA's answer to Insurance Europe Q&A document "ECO-SLV-23-165": Coverage of a layer covered by reinsurance - C0245: Clarification is requested regarding what is meant by "amount of maximum coverage for a layer of a treaty" as the scope of the layer is reported in field C0210: Limit (The amount specified as the limit in the reinsurance treaty) EIOPA:
- Topics:
- Reporting Templates