European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
Guiding principles
Good administrative behaviour
EIOPA’s staff are committed to respecting the following basic principles:
To ensure that these principles were followed by all its staff, EIOPA’s Management Board adopted the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour in 2011. The aim of the Code is to guarantee fair treatment and delivery of high-quality services to the public.
EIOPA also follows the Public service principles for the EU civil service.
EIOPA will act independently and objectively and in the interests of the EU — as set out in Article 1(6) of EIOPA’s founding regulation.
To safeguard the independence of its work, EIOPA follows a robust set of and working processes.
To avoid conflicts of interest, the Management Board adopted a revised conflict of interest policy in July 2020. The objective of the policy is to avoid situations in which the private interests of members of EIOPA’s decision-making bodies might improperly influence their performance of their public duties and responsibilities. EIOPA aims to preserve impartial, objective and independent decision-making and to promptly identify and handle any possible conflict of interest.
Members of EIOPA’s decision-making bodies have to sign a declaration of intention and to provide an annual declaration of interests (updated if their situation changes). EIOPA will take appropriate action to remove or mitigate an identified actual or potential conflict of interest immediately.
The Management Board also adopted the Ethics Rules for EIOPA’s staff members, applying similar principles to staff as those applied to members of EIOPA’s decision-making bodies.
Declarations of interest:
15 JANUARY 2025
Petra Hielkema, Chairperson, Declaration of Interest
15 JANUARY 2025
Parente Fausto Declaration of interest
To comply with the Staff Regulations and with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the processing of personal data, EIOPA publishes annual information on how it implements the regulation, including a list of the cases assessed.
Related resources
31 JANUARY 2023
Decision of the Board of Supervisors Adopting a Policy on Independence and Decision-Making Processes for avoiding Conflicts of Interest (Conflict of Interest Policy) for Non-Staff
31 JANUARY 2023
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour
31 JANUARY 2023
Decision of the Management Board of EIOPA Adopting Ethics Rules for the staff members of EIOPA