Financial education map - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Financial education map

To make informed choices, consumers need to understand key concepts about insurance and pensions.

In the map below you can find informative websites and portals in your country aimed precisely to help consumers find their way in the insurance and pensions sectors.

EIOPA has a leading role in promoting transparency, simplicity and fairness in the market for consumer financial products and services across the internal market, including by reviewing and coordinating competent authorities’ financial literacy and education initiatives.

Check our page For consumers which provides useful information on the different stages of buying and using insurance and pensions products.

EIOPA has published a Report on Financial Literacy and Education Initiatives by Competent Authorities. The report looked into:

  • national strategies and legal competences of EIOPA’s Members regarding financial literacy/education
  • national and international cooperation in financial literacy/education
  • target groups, tools and programmes of the financial literacy/education initiatives
  • measuring the success of initiatives

Rather than publishing a follow-up report, EIOPA focused on a more interactive way to share information on financial education.

EIOPA is not responsible for verifying the information accessed through the map on this page.



  • A - Z of Finance is part of the website of the Austrian Financial Market Authority, managed by the Consumer Information department. The aim of the initiative is to provide answers to those questions that are the most frequent content of the inquiries and complaints received. You can find the topics: Accounts, Loans, Insurance, Spotting financial fraudsters, Investments and Old-age provision. The topics are continuously updated and expanded. The tool is characterized by clear language, simple sentence construction and focus on the concrete needs of the target group. The motto of the initiative is: We enable self-responsibility.


  • Das Finanz ABC ist Bestandteil der Website der österreichischen Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) und wird von der Abteilung Verbraucherinformation bereitgestellt. Ziel der Initiative ist es, Antworten auf die Fragen zu geben, die am häufigsten Gegenstand von Anfragen und Beschwerden sind. Die Rubrik umfasst die folgenden Themen: Konto, Kredit, Versicherung, Finanzbetrüger erkennen, Geldanlage und Altersvorsorge. Die Themenbereiche werden kontinuierlich aktualisiert und erweitert. In klaren Worten und einfachen Formulierungen wird dem konkreten Informationsbedarf der Zielgruppe Rechnung getragen. Die Initiative soll die Verbraucher in ihrer Eigenverantwortung stärken. 

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  • The FSMA (Financial Services and Markets Authority) launched its financial education programme Wikifin in 2013. The website is designed for the general public and aimed at providing consumers with neutral, reliable and accessible financial information. Various topics are proposed: budget, means of payment, borrowing, insurance, family, save and invest, pension (& pension preparation), tax, work and income, housing and mortgage. 
  • It also features interactive tools to help consumers manage their personal finance, such as the savings account simulator, the cost comparison tool for current accounts, the inheritance simulator, educational videos, …
  • Wikifin integrates a dedicated portal for teachers: Wikifin School. Various teaching aids are proposed to help teachers introducing financial education in the classrooms: educational games, budget calculator, Demo Bank, ... 
  • In September 2020, the FSMA launched an interactive experience centre for financial education, designed for secondary-school students: the Wikifin Lab . With this physical pillar of the programme, students are given a chance, free of charge, to experience different financial situations drawn from daily life. They are challenged to sharpen their critical sense and to make choices about finances and consumption that have both an individual and a societal impact. The insights they gain in the process will help them to better understand money matters and later to make well-informed financial choices.
  • The FSMA also provides information to consumers on its own website. Among other things, there is an extensive Frequently Asked Questions section on supplementary pensions (FAQ). The information is categorized according to a number of 'pivotal moments' that may occur in the career of a member.
  • Assuralia, the Belgian insurance association, launched its consumer information website, ABCAssurance/ABCVerzekering, in 2013. The website provides consumers with information on prevention, insurance contracts and claims handling. It includes checklists that guide consumers step-by-step through particular situations, such as building a house, starting a business or coping with a flood. Further information is provided in brochures, videos and FAQs.
  • is an online pension portal for all personalised information on statutory and supplementary pensions. Anyone who has worked in Belgium can find information there about his/her pension: the earliest possible retirement date, a simulator, an overview of the supplementary pension already accrued, etc.


  • De Autoriteit voor Financiële Diensten en Markten (Financial Services and Markets Authority – FSMA) heeft haar programma voor financiële educatie, Wikifin, in 2013 gelanceerd. De website is ontworpen voor het algemene publiek en geeft de consument neutrale, betrouwbare en praktische antwoorden op vragen over geld. Er worden allerlei onderwerpen behandeld: budget, betaalmiddelen, lenen, verzekeringen, familie, sparen en beleggen, pensioen (en voorbereiding op pensioen), belastingen, werk en inkomen, woning en hypotheek. 
  • Op de website zijn interactieve tools beschikbaar die consumenten helpen hun geld te beheren, zoals de spaarsimulator, de vergelijkingstool voor kosten van zichtrekeningen, de erfenissimulator, educatieve video’s …
  • Wikifin heeft een speciale portal voor leerkrachten: Wikifin School. Diverse pedagogische materialen worden aangeboden voor leerkrachten om hen te helpen financiële educatie in de klas te introduceren: educatieve spellen, budgetcalculator, demobankapplicatie …
  • In september 2020 heeft FSMA een interactief belevingscentrum geopend voor financiële educatie. Dit centrum, het Wikifin Lab, is gericht op leerlingen van het secundair onderwijs. Via deze fysieke pijler van het programma kunnen leerlingen van het secundair onderwijs gratis experimenteren met verschillende financiële situaties uit het dagelijkse leven. Ze worden er uitgedaagd om hun kritische geest aan te scherpen en financiële en consumptiekeuzes te maken die zowel een individuele als een maatschappelijke impact hebben. Het inzicht dat ze op die manier krijgen, zal hen helpen om geldzaken beter te begrijpen en om later bewuste financiële keuzes te maken. 
  • De FSMA biedt ook op haar eigen website informatie voor consumenten. Zo is er, onder meer, een uitvoerige  vraag-en-antwoordrubriek over aanvullende pensioenen (FAQ). De informatie is ingedeeld volgens een aantal ‘scharniermomenten’ die zich in de loopbaan van een aangeslotene kunnen stellen.
  • Assuralia, de Beroepsvereniging van de Verzekeringsondernemingen, heeft in 2013 haar website voor consumenteninformatie, ABCVerzekering, gelanceerd. De website geeft consumenten informatie over preventie, verzekeringscontracten en schadeafwikkeling. Er zijn onder andere checklists te vinden die stap voor stap aangeven wat consumenten in bepaalde situaties moeten doen, bijvoorbeeld als ze een woning bouwen of een bedrijf beginnen, of bij een overstroming. Verdere informatie wordt verstrekt aan de hand van brochures, video’s en veelgestelde vragen.
  • is een online pensioenportaal voor alle gepersonaliseerde informatie over wettelijke en aanvullende pensioenen. Iedereen die in België heeft gewerkt, vindt er informatie over zijn pensioen: de vroegst mogelijke pensioendatum, een simulator, een overzicht van het reeds opgebouwde aanvullend pensioen


  • La FSMA (Autorité des services et marchés financiers) a lancé en 2013 son programme d’éducation financière baptisé Wikifin. Conçu pour le grand public, le site web vise à fournir aux consommateurs une information financière à la fois neutre, fiable et accessible. Divers sujets sont abordés: budget, moyens de paiement, emprunt, assurance, famille, épargne et investissement, pension (et préparation de la retraite), impôts, emploi et revenus, logement et emprunt hypothécaire. 
  • Le site propose également des outils interactifs pour aider les consommateurs à gérer leurs finances personnelles, par exemple un simulateur de comptes d’épargne, un comparateur des coûts liés aux comptes courants, un simulateur héritage, des vidéos éducatives,…
  • Wikifin intègre un portail dédié aux enseignants: Wikifin School. Du matériel pédagogique varié est proposé pour aider les enseignants à introduire l’éducation financière dans les salles de classe: jeux éducatifs, calculateur de budget, Demo Bank...
  • En septembre 2020, la FSMA a lancé le Wikifin Lab, un centre d’éducation financière interactif conçu pour les élèves du secondaire. Cet outil constitue un véritable pilier du programme. Les élèves peuvent expérimenter gratuitement diverses situations financières de la vie quotidienne conçues pour aiguiser leur sens critique et pour les aider à faire des choix en rapport avec leurs finances et leurs habitudes de consommation. Ils sont sensibilisés au fait que ces choix ont une incidence tant sur le plan individuel que sur le plan sociétal. Ils se familiariseront ainsi avec les questions d’argent et pourront plus tard prendre des décisions financières éclairées. 
  • La FSMA met également des informations à la disposition des consommateurs sur son propre site web. On y trouve notamment une vaste section de questions-réponses sur les pensions complémentaires (FAQ). Les informations sont classées en fonction d'un certain nombre de "moments déterminants" qui peuvent survenir dans la carrière d'un affilié.
  • Assuralia, l’Union professionnelle des entreprises d'assurances belges, a lancé en 2013 son site web d’information des consommateurs, ABCAssurance. Celui-ci fournit aux consommateurs des informations sur la prévention, les contrats d’assurance et le traitement des réclamations. Il comprend des listes de contrôle qui guident les consommateurs étape par étape à travers des situations spécifiques, telles que la construction d’une maison, la création d’une entreprise ou les démarches à accomplir en cas et une foire aux questions sont également disponibles d’inondation. Pour plus d’informations, des brochures, des vidéos.
  • est un portail des pensions en ligne pour toute l’information personnalisée concernant la pension légale et complémentaire. Toute personne ayant travaillé en Belgique peut y trouver des informations sur sa pension : la première date de départ à la pension possible, un simulateur, un aperçu de la pension complémentaire déjà constituée, etc


  • Die FSMA (Financial Services and Markets Authority) hat im Jahr 2013 ihr Online-Programm für die Vermittlung von Finanzwissen, Wikifin, ins Leben gerufen. Die für die breite Öffentlichkeit konzipierte Website soll Verbrauchern neutrale, zuverlässige und zugängliche Finanzinformationen zur Verfügung stellen. Es werden verschiedene Themen aufgegriffen: Haushalt, Zahlungsmittel, Kreditaufnahme, Versicherung, Familie, Sparen und Anlegen, Rente (und Altersvorsorge), Steuern, Arbeit und Einkommen, Wohnen und Hypothekendarlehen.
  • Diese Website bietet außerdem interaktive Tools, mit denen Verbraucher ihre persönlichen Finanzen verwalten können, beispielsweise einen Sparbuchsimulator, ein Kostenvergleichstool für Girokonten, einen Erbschaftssimulator, Informationsvideos u. v. m.
  • In Wikifin ist außerdem ein spezielles Portal für Lehrkräfte integriert: Wikifin School. Es werden verschiedene Unterrichtshilfen angeboten, die Lehrkräfte zur Vermittlung von Finanzwissen im Unterricht einsetzen können: Lernspiele, Haushaltsrechner, Demo-Bank usw.
  • Im September 2020 richtete die FSMA mit dem Wikifin Lab ein interaktives Erlebniszentrum für die Vermittlung von Finanzwissen ein, das für Schüler der Sekundarstufe konzipiert ist. Hier wird Schülern kostenlos die Möglichkeit geboten, verschiedene Finanzsituationen aus dem Alltag praktisch durchzuspielen. Dadurch wird ihre Kritikfähigkeit gefördert, und sie müssen Entscheidungen über Finanzen und Konsum treffen, die sowohl individuelle als auch gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen haben. Die Erkenntnisse, die sie dabei gewinnen, können ihnen helfen, Geldfragen besser zu verstehen und später fundierte finanzielle Entscheidungen zu treffen. 
  • Die FSMA stellt den Verbrauchern auch auf ihrer eigenen Website Informationen zur Verfügung. Unter anderem gibt es einen umfangreichen Abschnitt mit Fragen und Antworten zu ergänzenden Pensionen (FAQ). Die Informationen sind nach einer Reihe von "Schlüsselmomenten" geordnet, die in der Laufbahn eines Versorgungsanwärters auftreten können.
  • Assuralia, der belgische Versicherungsverband, hat 2013 seine Website zu Verbraucherinformationen ABCAssurance/ABCVerzekering eingerichtet. Die Website bietet Verbrauchern Informationen über Vorsorge, Versicherungsverträge und die Bearbeitung von Schadensfällen. Sie enthält Checklisten, die Verbrauchern schrittweise in bestimmten Situationen wie dem Bau eines Hauses, der Gründung eines Unternehmens oder der Bewältigung eines Hochwassers helfen. Weitere Informationen werden über Broschüren, Videos und die Rubrik zu häufig gestellten Fragen bereitgestellt.
  • ist ein Online-Pensionsportal für alle personalisierten Informationen zu den gesetzlichen und ergänzenden Pensionen. Jeder, der in Belgien gearbeitet hat, findet hier Informationen über seine Pension: das frühestmögliche Pensionsdatum, einen Simulator, eine Übersicht der schon aufgebauten ergänzenden Pension…



  • "ТВОИТЕ ФИНАНСИ" (EN translation: Your finances) is a financial education website of the Financial Supervision Commission /FSC/. In addition to the institutional website of FSC -, "ТВОИТЕ ФИНАНСИ" is the second website of the Bulgarian regulator which aims to inform, educate and protect the consumers. The purpose of the page is to provide information on the main financial products in the field of the non-banking financial sector, as well as on the role of FSC in the regulation of this sector. The page contains well-structured and visually attractive information about the insurance, social insurance and investment market in Bulgaria, it is easily accessible and useful for the consumers and it is comprehensible even for people without financial education.


  • „ТВОИТЕ ФИНАНСИ“ (на английски език: Your finances) е уебсайт на Комисията за финансов надзор /КФН/ за финансово образование на широката общественост. В допълнение към официалния уебсайт на КФН — „ТВОИТЕ ФИНАНСИ“ е вторият уебсайт на българския регулатор, чиято цел е да информира, образова и защитава потребителите. Страницата е предназначена да дава информация за основните финансови продукти в небанковия финансов сектор, както и за ролята на КФН за регулирането на този сектор. Страницата съдържа добре структурирана и визуално привлекателна информация за застрахователния, социалноосигурителния и инвестиционния пазар в България. Тя е лесно достъпна и полезна за потребителите и е разбираема дори за хора без финансово образование. 



  • The website Pénzügyi Navigátor supports consumers with comprehensive and easy to understand information about products and processes in the financial sector. In the website there are short and clear information booklets prepared for consumers in connection with wide range of financial topics. There are also information about the contact points where consumers can turn to in case they have complaints. The website includes also a finance dictionary, useful links and warnings about key investment risks and on unauthorized service providers. The portal also targets non-governmental organizations in the field of financial awareness and consumer protection.
  • The Hungarian Insurance Association (MABISZ) has been operating “Díjnavigátor”, a free motor third-party liability (MTPL) aggregator website, since 2010. It helps consumers to make informed decisions by calculating and comparing the MTPL premiums of all insurance companies in the Hungarian market in a transparent way.


  • A Pénzügyi Navigátor weboldal a pénzügyi szektor termékeire és folyamataira vonatkozó átfogó és könnyen érthető információkkal támogatja a fogyasztókat. A honlapon a fogyasztók számára készített rövid és közérthető tájékoztató brosúrák találhatók, amelyek a pénzügyi témák széles körét ölelik fel. A honlap azokról a kapcsolattartási pontokról is tájékoztatást nyújt, ahová a fogyasztók panasz esetén fordulhatnak. A honlapon egy pénzügyi szótár, hasznos linkek és a főbb befektetési kockázatokra és a jogosulatlan szolgáltatókra vonatkozó figyelmeztetések is találhatók. A portál a pénzügyi tudatosság és a fogyasztóvédelem területén működő nem kormányzati szervezeteknek is szól.
  • A Magyar Biztosítók Szövetsége (MABISZ) 2010 óta működteti a Díjnavigátor ingyenes gépjármű-felelősségbiztosítási (kgfb) aggregátor weboldalt. Az oldal a magyar piacon működő összes biztosító kgfb-díjának átlátható módon történő kiszámításával és összehasonlításával segíti a fogyasztókat a megalapozott döntéshozatalban.



  • The website of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency contains many areas dedicated to the financial literacy. The special headings are dedicated to the educational documents, downloadable brochures, FAQs, various presentations, regulatory framework, warnings, videos, information on current activities and other material presented in a consumer-friendly manner and simple language.
    The website also includes many publications containing information (quantitative data, risk assessment, market analysis) enabling consumers to become generally more informed and familiar with the market, products features and risks.
  • Furthermore, Hanfa launched an additional website aimed primarily at consumers: "Novac za sutra". In order to contribute to the awareness of the importance of financial literacy, "Novac za sutra" (Money for tomorrow) with its complimentary social media is less formal than the official Hanfa's website. It includes information on financial literacy in general (not related only to the Hanfa's scope of competence), contributions by experts (non-staff), financial dictionary as well as various news related to the financial markets. The material on this webpage is generally written in a clear and simple language.


  • Mrežno mjesto Hrvatske agencije za nadzor financijskih usluga (Hanfa) sadrži brojne odjeljke posvećene financijskoj pismenosti. Ti posebni odjeljci sadrže edukativne dokumente, brošure dostupne za preuzimanje, često postavljana pitanja, različite prezentacije, regulatorni okvir, upozorenja, videozapise, informacije o aktualnim aktivnostima i ostale materijale predstavljene jednostavnim jezikom na način prilagođen potrošačima. Na mrežnom mjestu također su dostupne brojne publikacije koje sadrže informacije (kvantitativni podatci, procjena rizika, analiza tržišta) kojima se potrošačima omogućuje da se informiraju o tržištu, značajkama proizvodâ i rizicima te da se upoznaju s njima.
  • Osim toga, Hanfa je pokrenula dodatno mrežno mjesto prvenstveno namijenjeno potrošačima: „Novac za sutra”. Mrežno mjesto „Novac za sutra” i povezane društvene mreže, koji su pokrenuti u svrhu razvoja svijesti o važnosti financijske pismenosti, manje su formalni nego službeno mrežno mjesto Hanfe. Sadrže informacije o financijskoj pismenosti općenito (a ne samo informacije povezane s područjem nadležnosti Hanfe), doprinose stručnjaka (koji nisu zaposlenici Agencije), financijski rječnik, kao i različite vijesti povezane s financijskim tržištima. Materijali na ovoj mrežnoj stranici najčešće su napisani jasnim i jednostavnim jezikom.






  • Rå is a financial education portal managed by The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. The website provides tools and information to consumers, so they can learn to manage their personal finance, budget, insurance, pension, loans, etc. You can find simple guides and videos to hack your personal finance, blogs, teaching material on budget, loan and saving and information about our social media campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Insurance & Pension Denmark developed the Forsikringsguiden (Insurance Guide) website in 2016 in cooperation with consumer organisation Tænk. It helps consumers to choose the right insurance policy by providing them with a quick and easy comparison of insurance conditions and prices for the most common types of insurance. The website also aims to create transparency in the insurance market. 23 companies participate in the Forsikringsguiden, representing more than 90% of the Danish market. Once the consumer has completed the comparison, the site can guide the consumer directly to their preferred insurance company.
  • Insurance & Pension Denmark operates an information service on its website called "Forsikringsoplysningen" (Ask about insurance). This service has been providing free and independent information about the most common life and non-life insurance products to the general public since the 1970s. The website has, for example, a section for young people with Q&As about their specific insurance needs in different situations, such as starting to live on their own, travelling and studying abroad. It also includes a guide to making complaints. In addition to the information on the website, consumers can also ask advisors questions by phone or e-mail. The consumer phone line receives 6 000 general questions a year.
  • Insurance and Pension Denmark operates the "Fakta om pension" (Facts about pensions) website, which helps consumers to select the product type and provider most suited to them. It allows consumers to learn about different pension providers and the services they offer, as well as to compare elements of the most common products. The elements that users can compare include returns and costs, insurance cover, investment options and the level of service and advice for all pension companies. A new version was launched in 2015 with improved usability and new information on net returns and fees.
  • Insurance and Pension Denmark has been running the secretariat of "PensionsInfo" since it was launched in 1999. This is a comprehensive online tracking tool allowing each Dane to access an overview of the pension and associated insurance entitlements from all their pension providers. "PensionsInfo" provides consumers with an overview of their personal situation at retirement or in the case of early retirement (lost ability to work), critical illness or death. Through this service, pension providers can also flag dormant pension rights to individuals and prompt them to check whether it would be profitable to transfer the funds to a new scheme. "PensionsInfo" covers all three pension pillars.


  • Rå er en portal, der vejleder om økonomi og drives af Finanstilsynet. Webstedet indeholder værktøjer og information, som forbrugere kan bruge til at lære at administrere deres privatøkonomi, budget, forsikringer, pension, lån osv. Ved hjælp af enkle vejledninger og videoer får forbrugere hjælp til at få en bedre privatøkonomi. Webstedet indeholder desuden blogs, undervisningsmateriale om budget, lån og opsparing samt information om portalens kampagner på de sociale medier Facebook og Instagram.
  • Forsikring & Pension udviklede i 2016 webstedet Forsikringsguiden i samarbejde med forbrugerorganisationen Tænk. Forsikringsguiden hjælper forbrugere med at vælge den rigtige forsikring ved at give mulighed for en hurtig og let sammenligning af forsikringsbetingelser og -priser for de mest almindelige forsikringstyper. Webstedet har også til formål at skabe gennemsigtighed på forsikringsmarkedet. Forsikringsguidens 23 deltagende selskaber dækker mere end 90 % af det danske forsikringsmarked. Når forbrugeren har foretaget en sammenligning, kan webstedet lede forbrugeren videre til det foretrukne forsikringsselskab.
  • Forsikring & Pension driver en informationstjeneste på sit websted ved navn Forsikringsoplysningen. Denne tjeneste har siden 1970'erne givet forbrugere gratis og uvildig information om de mest almindelige livs- og skadesforsikringsprodukter. Webstedet har blandt andet et afsnit for unge med spørgsmål og svar om deres specifikke forsikringsbehov i forskellige situationer, f.eks. når de flytter hjemmefra, rejser og studerer i udlandet. Der er også en vejledning om, hvordan man klager. Ud over informationen på webstedet kan forbrugerne stille spørgsmål til rådgivere telefonisk eller pr. e-mail. Tjenesten modtager hvert år omkring 6 000 generelle spørgsmål.
  • Forsikring & Pension har udviklet værktøjet Fakta om Pension, som hjælper forbrugere med at vælge den pensionsordning og det pensionsselskab, der passer bedst til dem. Værktøjet oplyser forbrugere om forskellige pensionsudbydere og de produkter, de udbyder, og giver mulighed for at sammenligne elementer af de mest almindelige produkter. De elementer, som forbrugerne kan sammenligne, omfatter afkast og omkostninger, forsikringsdækning, investeringsmuligheder samt serviceniveau og rådgivning for alle pensionsselskaber. I 2015 blev der lanceret en ny version med bedre brugervenlighed og ny information om nettoafkast og gebyrer.
  • Forsikring & Pension har drevet sekretariatet for PensionsInfo, siden tjenesten blev lanceret i 1999. PensionsInfo er en omfattende database, der giver alle danskere onlineadgang til en oversigt over deres pensionsopsparinger og tilknyttede forsikringsrettigheder fra alle deres pensionsselskaber. PensionsInfo giver forbrugerne et overblik over deres økonomiske situation, når de går på pension eller taber deres arbejdsevne, bliver alvorligt syge eller dør. Pensionsselskaber kan desuden via tjenesten gøre forbrugere opmærksom på hvilende pensionsrettigheder og opfordre dem til at undersøge, om det kan betale sig at overføre midlerne til en ny ordning. PensionsInfo dækker alle tre pensionssøjler.



  • Finantsinspektsioon's (Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority) consumer website Minuraha provides objective information on how to organize your financial matters. Website provides information about banking, insurance, investment, pensions and financial planning. Website provides also useful tools, like financial dictionary, financial literacy teaching materials for schools and news.


  • Finantsinspektsiooni tarbijaveeb Minuraha pakub objektiivset teavet rahaasjade korraldamise kohta. Veebisaidilt leiate teavet panganduse, kindlustuse, investeerimise, pensionide ja finantsplaneerimise kohta. Veebisaidil on saadaval ka kasulikud tööriistad, näiteks finantssõnastik, finantskirjaoskuse õppematerjalid koolidele ja uudised. 



  • The Czech National Bank has created a website devoted to its financial and economic education activities. The site offers a wealth of content designed mainly for higher-grade primary school and secondary school pupils and for the general public. For teachers it provides simple teaching aids in the form of presentations and other educational materials prepared by the CNB. It also contains suggestions for visits to CNB exhibitions and a set of consumer protection recommendations.
  • The website aims, among other things, to describe the role of the CNB, to explain how to create a family budget and to offer an insight into the workings of the central bank. More materials are gradually being added to the site.
  • The CNB also uses a range of communication tools (such as čnBlog, VlogČNB and ČNBpodcast) to promote financial and economic literacy via its website and social networks. On social networks (especially Facebook and Instagram), it tries to explain the world of finance and banking and the work of the central bank using real-life examples. The CNB also organises student competitions and supports selected projects.


  • Česká národní banka vytvořila internetové stránky věnované finanční a ekonomické vzdělávací činnosti. Stránky nabízejí množství materiálů určených především pro žáky vyšších ročníků základních škol, studenty středních škol a širokou veřejnost. Učitelé zde naleznou jednoduché učební pomůcky ve formě prezentací a dalších vzdělávacích materiálů vypracovaných ČNB. Stránky obsahují také pobídky k návštěvám expozic ČNB a soubor doporučení na ochranu spotřebitele.
  • Cílem stránek je mimo jiné popsat úlohu ČNB, vysvětlit, jak sestavit rodinný rozpočet, a informovat o tom, jak funguje centrální banka. Na stránky jsou postupně přidávány další materiály.
  • ČNB rovněž využívá řadu komunikačních nástrojů (např. čnBlog, VlogČNB a ČNBpodcast), aby prostřednictvím svých internetových stránek a sociálních sítí podporovala finanční a ekonomickou gramotnost. Na sociálních sítích (zejména na Facebooku a Instagramu) se snaží na příkladech ze skutečného života vysvětlit svět financí a bankovnictví a práci centrální banky. ČNB také pořádá soutěže pro studenty a podporuje vybrané projekty.

EN | FI | SV


  • In this section of the website of the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) has collected together information one might need as a customer. There one will find information on various products and services offered in the financial markets as well as on one's rights and obligations as a customer. Topics: Deposit, Investments and Insurance, the Role of Financial Supervisory Authority in consumer protection and Questions and answers.
  • The website of the Financial Ombudsman Bureau (Fine) provides consumers with independent information, comparisons and advice regarding financial services. All information and advice is free of charge.


  • Finanssivalvonta (FIN-FSA) on koonnut tähän osioon tietoja, joita asiakkaat saattavat tarvita. Osio sisältää tietoja finanssimarkkinoilla tarjolla olevista erilaisista tuotteista ja palveluista sekä asiakkaan oikeuksista ja velvollisuuksista. Aiheet: Talletukset, sijoitukset ja vakuutukset, Finanssivalvonnan viranomaisrooli kuluttajansuojan kannalta sekä kysymyksiä ja vastauksia.


  •  I detta avsnitt av den finska finansinspektionens webbplats, Finansinspektionen (FIN-FSA) har samlat information som man kan behöva som kund. Här finns information om olika produkter och tjänster som erbjuds på finansmarknaderna och om dina rättigheter och skyldigheter som kund. Ämnen: insättningar, investeringar och försäkringar, Finansinspektionens roll i konsumentskyddet samt frågor och svar.



  • ABEIS is a website implemented by the French Central Bank (Banque de France), the French Banking and Insurance Authority (ACPR) and the French Financial Market Authority (AMF). Through news, articles, Q&A and videos, this website aims to:
    • provide practical information on banking, insurance and financial products and services;
    • inform customers before entering into financial transaction or when they wish to complain against a professional;
    • warn the public about scams and unauthorised practices, players or websites.
  • is the website of the French National Consumer Institute, whose purpose is to provide the public with key information about their consumer choices and legal impacts thereof and to promote responsible consumption. The institute gathers a comparative test centre, legal and economic research and data departments. It also publishes the magazine "60 Millions de consommateurs and videos "ConsoMag.
  • The Banque de France implements an information portal on money and financial products issues.


  • ABEIS est un site web administré par la Banque de France, l’Autorité française de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) et l’Autorité française des marchés financiers (AMF). Par le biais d’actualités, d’articles, de foires aux questions et de vidéos, ce site web vise à:
    • fournir des informations pratiques sur la banque, l’assurance ainsi que les produits et services financiers;
    • informer les clients avant la conclusion d’une opération financière ou lorsqu’ils souhaitent déposer une plainte contre un professionnel;
    • iavertir le public des risques d’escroquerie et de l’existence de pratiques, d’acteurs ou de sites web non autorisés.
  • est le site web de l’Institut national français de la consommation. Il vise à fournir aux consommateurs les clés de leurs choix, à les informer des conséquences juridiques découlant de ces choix et à promouvoir une consommation responsable. L’institut regroupe un centre d’essais comparatifs, et des départements d’études juridiques et économiques et de documentation. Il publie également le magazine «60 Millions de consommateurs» et produit les vidéos «ConsoMag».



  • The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) which brings together under one roof the supervision of banks and financial services providers, insurance undertakings and securities trading has a dedicated comprehensible consumer portal on its website. The specific area for consumers puts together a range of information specifically relevant for consumers. The information provided covers information regarding and supervisory activities relevant for consumers as well as information for financial education for example regarding products, investment advice. The area also holds a list of Q&As and links to more in-depth information for example through expert articles. Almost all information is available in German and English.
  • Voice of EU is the website from The Federation of German Consumer Organisations - vzbv – that is a non-governmental organisation acting as an umbrella for 42 German consumer associations. The vzbv represent the interests of consumers in public and vis-à-vis legislators, the private sector and civil society. The website holds background information regarding the mandate of the vzb in English. More comprehensive information for consumers regarding financial education is available in German only:
  • "Die Versicherer" is a digital consumer website by the German Insurance Association (GDV). The consumer communication relies on surprising and self-critical content to reduce consumer reservations. The website is aimed at insurance customers and their specific questions: Should I cancel my insurance? Which insurance premiums can I deduct from my taxes?
  • "Mein Kohleeinstieg" is a website with information on financial education, savings and basic investment.
  • Foundation for Youth Education offers free learning resources from basic financial education to more technical financial and economic issues.
  • Verbraucherbildung – Education of Customers enables children and interests to lead a self-determined and responsible life. Schools and teachers play a real role in mediation.
  • BMJV-Verbraucherportal (Federal Consumers Portal) provides a general overview of consumer education and information institutions and includes a special section on finance.
  • 7 Jahre Länger: People generally live seven years longer than they tend to believe. Based on this premise, the GDV launched the campaign “7 Jahre länger” (7 years longer) to raise people’s awareness of their true life expectancy and the demographic challenges connected to it. The main tool of the campaign is its website, which is complemented by a Facebook page. The website includes a life expectancy calculator and a calculator to work out the cost of living for chosen items and services until the end of one’s life. For public appearances, such as conferences, a large, wooden “wheel of life”, as well as smaller paper versions, have been developed. These allow citizens to estimate their life expectancy based on their year of birth.
  • Information campaigns of the federal states on natural hazards: These state-specific information campaigns by state governments serve to educate the public. Many homeowners and tenants underestimate the risk of increasing weather extremes. In spring 2009, the first campaign was launched in Bavaria for private households, which was later expanded to include commercial risks. Central elements are a dedicated website, a flyer and, in most cases, a joint press conference. In addition to GDV, other multipliers such as the Association of Towns and Municipalities and consumer protection were also involved.
  • Smoke alarms save lives campaign: The portal for consumers on the subject of smoke alarms and behaviour in the event of a fire. The Smoke Alarms Save Lives initiative was founded in 2000 by the Forum for Fire-Smoke-Prevention to significantly reduce the number of fire victims in Germany.
  • K-Einbruch campaign: Together with cooperation partners from the insurance industry, industry associations and installer companies, the police launched the nationwide K-Einbruch publicity campaign in fall 2012. The aim is to raise awareness among the general public of the need to take personal responsibility for burglary prevention, with the ultimate aim of reducing burglary crime. An important part of the campaign is the "Burglary Prevention Day". Under the motto "One hour more for more security", this takes place annually on the day of the time change, when Central European Summer Time ends.
  • Cyber Security Check: Digitalisation is making Germany's companies faster and more flexible. However, this dynamism is also causing cybercrime to flourish. While large corporations protect themselves at great expense, smaller companies often act too carelessly. The “CyberSicher” (CyberSecure) initiative raises awareness of the dangers from cyberspace and shows how small and medium-sized enterprises can protect themselves. GDV's Cyber Security Check asks the most important questions about IT security in companies and gives advice for improvement. This enables companies to quickly check the security of their systems, identify weak points and remedy them.
  • "Stadt.Land.unter" initiative: Floods, heavy rain and severe storms - every year, people feel the force of nature. With the "Stadt.Land.unter" initiative, the insurance industry educates people about the growing danger of heavy rainfall and shows how tenants and property owners can protect themselves. An important part of the initiative is the Natural Hazard Check, which property owners and tenants can now use to easily determine their individual risk of being affected by natural hazards. On the online platform, consumers can enter their zip code to find out what damage severe weather has caused in the past at their own place of residence: How many buildings were affected in the region last year, the most expensive damage caused by heavy rain, storms or hail, and the risk of flooding.


  • Die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) vereinigt die Aufsicht über Banken und Finanzdienstleister, Versicherer und den Wertpapierhandel unter einem Dach. Auf ihrer Website stellt sie ein umfangreiches Verbraucherportal zur Verfügung. Dieser Bereich enthält eine Reihe von Informationen, die speziell für Verbraucher relevant sind. Sie betreffen u. a. die für Verbraucher interessanten Aufsichtstätigkeiten sowie die Vermittlung von Finanzwissen, z. B. in Bezug auf Produkte und Anlageberatung. Der Bereich enthält auch eine Liste mit Fragen und Antworten sowie Links zu ausführlicheren Informationen, etwa in Form von Fachartikeln. Nahezu sämtliche Informationen sind auf Deutsch und Englisch verfügbar.
  • Der vzbv (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband) ist eine Nichtregierungsorganisation, die als Dachverband der 42 Verbraucherverbände in Deutschland fungiert. Der vzbv vertritt die Interessen der Verbraucher in der Öffentlichkeit und gegenüber Gesetzgebern, dem Privatsektor und der Zivilgesellschaft. Die Website enthält Hintergrundinformationen zum Auftrag des vzvb in englischer Sprache. Ausführlichere Informationen für Verbraucher zur Vermittlung von Finanzwissen sind nur in deutscher Sprache verfügbar:
  • Die Versicherer ist eine digitale Verbraucherwebsite des Gesamtverbands der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV). Die Verbraucherkommunikation setzt auf überraschende und selbstkritische Inhalte, um Vorbehalte bei Verbrauchern abzubauen. Die Website richtet sich an Versicherungskunden und deren ganz konkrete Fragen: Sollte ich meine Versicherung kündigen? Welche Versicherungsbeiträge kann ich von der Steuer absetzen?
  • Mein Kohleeinstieg ist eine Website mit Informationen zu den Themen Finanzwissen, Sparen und Anlegen.
  • Die Stiftung Jugend und Bildung bietet kostenlose Lernressourcen vom Grundwissen im Finanzbereich bis hin zu eher fachspezifischen Finanz- und Wirtschaftsfragen.
  • Das Serviceportal Verbraucherbildung des vzbv befähigt Kinder und Jugendliche, ein selbstbestimmtes und verantwortungsvolles Leben zu führen. Bei der Vermittlung spielen Schulen und Lehrende eine entscheidende Rolle.
  • Das BMJV-Verbraucherportal bietet einen allgemeinen Überblick über Verbraucherbildung und damit befasste Einrichtungen sowie einen eigenen Websitebereich zum Thema Finanzen.
  • 7 Jahre Länger: Menschen leben in der Regel sieben Jahre länger, als sie glauben. Ausgehend von dieser Erkenntnis hat der GDV (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft) die Kampagne „7 Jahre länger“ ins Leben gerufen, um die Menschen für ihre tatsächliche Lebenserwartung und die damit verbundenen demografischen Herausforderungen zu sensibilisieren. Das wichtigste Instrument der Kampagne ist ihre Website, die durch eine Facebook-Seite ergänzt wird. Die Website umfasst einen Lebenserwartungsrechner und einen Planer, mit dem die Lebenskosten für ausgewählte Produkte und Dienstleistungen bis zum Lebensende ermittelt werden können. Für öffentliche Auftritte, beispielsweise bei Konferenzen, wurden ein großes hölzernes „Rad des Lebens“ sowie kleinere Papierversionen entwickelt. Damit können Bürger ihre Lebenserwartung auf der Grundlage ihres Geburtsjahrs schätzen.
  • Informationskampagnen der Länder zu Naturgefahren: Diese bundeslandspezifischen Informationskampagnen dienen der Aufklärung der Öffentlichkeit. Viele Hausbesitzer und Mieter unterschätzen das Risiko zunehmender Wetterextreme. Im Frühjahr 2009 wurde in Bayern die erste Kampagne für private Haushalte gestartet, die später auf Risiken für Betriebe ausgeweitet wurde. Zentrale Bestandteile sind eine spezielle Website, ein Flyer und in den meisten Fällen eine gemeinsame Pressekonferenz. Neben dem GDV sind an dem Projekt auch andere Multiplikatoren wie der Städte- und Gemeindebund und Verbraucherschutzorganisationen beteiligt.
  • Kampagne Rauchmelder retten Leben: das Portal für Verbraucher zum Thema Rauchmelder und Verhalten im Brandfall. Die Initiative „Rauchmelder retten Leben“ wurde im Jahr 2000 vom Forum Brandrauchprävention e. V. ins Leben gerufen, um die Anzahl der Brandopfer in Deutschland deutlich zu reduzieren.
  • Kampagne K-EINBRUCH: Zusammen mit Kooperationspartnern aus der Versicherungswirtschaft, den Industrieverbänden und Errichterfirmen hat die Polizei im Herbst 2012 die bundesweite Öffentlichkeitskampagne K-EINBRUCH initiiert Ziel ist es, die Bevölkerung für die Notwendigkeit eines eigenverantwortlichen Einbruchschutzes zu sensibilisieren und so letztlich die Einbruchkriminalität einzudämmen. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Kampagne ist der „Tag des Einbruchschutzes“. Unter dem Motto „Eine Stunde mehr für mehr Sicherheit“ findet dieser jährlich am Tag der Zeitumstellung statt, wenn die mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit endet.
  • Cyber-Sicherheitscheck: Die Digitalisierung macht Deutschlands Unternehmen schneller und flexibler. Doch diese Dynamik ist auch Wasser auf die Mühlen der Cyberkriminalität. Während sich Konzerne mit hohem Aufwand schützen, agieren kleinere Firmen oft zu sorglos. Die Initiative „CyberSicher“ sensibilisiert für die Gefahren aus dem Cyberspace und zeigt, wie sich kleine und mittlere Unternehmen schützen können. Der Cyber-Sicherheitscheck des GDV stellt die wichtigsten Fragen rund um die IT-Sicherheit in Unternehmen und gibt Empfehlungen für Verbesserungen. So können Unternehmen die Sicherheit ihrer Systeme rasch überprüfen. um Schwachstellen zu ermitteln und zu beheben.
  • Initiative Stadt.Land.unter: Hochwasser, Starkregen und heftige Unwetter – jedes Jahr bekommen die Menschen die Wucht der Natur zu spüren. Mit der Initiative „Stadt.Land.unter“ klärt die Versicherungswirtschaft über die wachsende Gefahr heftiger Regenfälle auf und zeigt, wie sich Mieter und Immobilienbesitzer schützen können. Ein wichtiger Teil der Initiative ist der Naturgefahren-Check, mit dem Immobilienbesitzer und Mieter ganz einfach ihr individuelles Naturgefahrenrisiko ermitteln können. Indem sie auf der Online-Plattform ihre Postleitzahl eingeben, können Verbraucher herausfinden, welche Schäden durch schwere Unwetter in der Vergangenheit an ihrem eigenen Wohnort verursacht wurden: wie viele Gebäude waren im letzten Jahr in ihrer Region betroffen, wie hoch sind die teuersten Schäden durch Starkregen, Sturm oder Hagel und welche Hochwassergefahr besteht.



  • Bank of Greece's website

    General information, Q&As, contact info:

    STEP 1: Any interested person can choose among the following categories (photos): a. credit institutions, b. private insurance, c. resolution of credit institutions and private insurance undertakings, d. certifications of knowledge and ability for credit institutions & insurance products distributors, e. Bank of Greece's Cultural Center (museum, library, historic archive, publications), f. anti-money laundering, g. payment and settlement systems.

    STEP 2: Once a category is selected e.g. private insurance, a relevant drop-down list appears with specific issues, e.g. complaints.

    STEP 3: The most FAQs and their answers on the selected specific matter appear on the screen. Should the visitor's query remain, the visitor can press the hyperlink CONTACT US and reach the on-line application form (


  • Δικτυακός τόπος της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος 

    Γενικές πληροφορίες, ερωτήσεις και απαντήσεις, στοιχεία επικοινωνίας: 

    ΣΤΑΔΙΟ 1: Κάθε ενδιαφερόμενος μπορεί να επιλέξει μεταξύ των ακόλουθων κατηγοριών (φωτογραφίες): α. πιστωτικά ιδρύματα, β. ιδιωτική ασφάλιση, γ. εξυγίανση πιστωτικών ιδρυμάτων και ιδιωτικών ασφαλιστικών επιχειρήσεων, δ. πιστοποιήσεις γνώσεων και ικανοτήτων για πιστωτικά ιδρύματα και διανομείς ασφαλιστικών προϊόντων, ε. Κέντρο Πολιτισμού της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδος (μουσείο, βιβλιοθήκη, ιστορικό αρχείο, εκδόσεις), στ. καταπολέμηση της νομιμοποίησης εσόδων από παράνομες δραστηριότητες, ζ. συστήματα πληρωμών και διακανονισμού.

    ΣΤΑΔΙΟ 2: Αφού επιλεγεί μια κατηγορία π.χ. ιδιωτική ασφάλιση, εμφανίζεται ένας σχετικός πτυσσόμενος κατάλογος με συγκεκριμένα θέματα, π.χ. καταγγελίες. 

    ΣΤΑΔΙΟ 3: Εμφανίζονται στην οθόνη οι πιο συχνές ερωτήσεις και οι απαντήσεις τους για το επιλεγμένο ειδικό θέμα. Σε περίπτωση που το ερώτημα του επισκέπτη παραμένει αναπάντητο, ο επισκέπτης μπορεί να πατήσει τον υπερσύνδεσμο ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΗΣΤΕ ΜΑΖΙ ΜΑΣ και να συμπληρώσει το ηλεκτρονικό έντυπο αίτησης (



  • The website of the Central Bank of Iceland includes pages addressed to consumers. Amongst others, they address common questions from consumers (e.g. what is inflation and what are policy rates) and provide material for schools as well as information on the activities of the Central Bank).


  • Á vefsvæði Seðlabanka Íslands eru síður sem ætlaðar eru neytendum. Þar er meðal annars fjallað um algengar spurningar neytenda (t.d. hvað er verðbólga og hvað eru stýrivextir) og lagt fram kennsluefni fyrir skóla sem og upplýsingar um starfsemi Seðlabankans). 



  • The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC)'s consumer website provides information for consumers on managing their money and various financial products. It also has tools to help consumers make financial decisions, including a budget planner and comparison tools for mortgages, current accounts, loans, savings accounts and credit cards. The website also has information on the CCPC's financial education programmes, including the workplace programme Money skills for life, which provides employees with free talks on personal finance.
    It also links to the CCPC's schools' programme Money Matters ( which provides free resources for secondary school teachers and students on personal finance topics, including videos, worksheets and case studies.
    Ireland does not currently have a national strategy for financial education or financial capability. The CCPC is an independent statutory body with a dual mandate to enforce competition and consumer protection law in Ireland and also has a statutory role in relation to the development of financial education and financial capability in Ireland.
  • The Insurance Information Service (IIS) that is operated by Insurance Ireland, the Irish insurance association, has been providing general, jargon-free information about insurance to consumers since 1990. The IIS was set up to respond to public enquires about insurance policies and claims as well as to handle certain complaints. The IIS provides the information to consumers by phone and e-mail. Its services also include resolving cases under the Declined Cases Agreement, a statutory provision under which a person must be provided with a motor insurance quote if they have been previously declined by three insurers. In addition to questions from consumers, the IIS also handles direct enquiries on consumer matters from organisations such as the National Consumer Agency, Citizens Information Board, government departments and the Central Bank.


  • Tugann suíomh gréasáin do thomhaltóirí an Choimisiúin um Iomaíocht agus Cosaint Tomhaltóirí faisnéis do thomhaltóirí maidir lena gcuid airgid agus maidir le táirgí airgeadais éagsúla a bhainistiú. Tá uirlisí ann freisin chun cabhrú le tomhaltóirí cinntí airgeadais a dhéanamh, lena n-áirítear pleanálaí buiséid agus uirlisí comparáide do mhorgáistí, cuntais reatha, iasachtaí, cuntais choigiltis agus cártaí creidmheasa. Tá eolas ar an suíomh gréasáin freisin faoi chláir oideachais airgeadais CCPC, lena n-áirítear an clár oibre Scileanna Airgid don saol, a chuireann cainteanna saor in aisce ar fáil d’fhostaithe maidir le hairgeadas pearsanta. Chomh maith leis sin, nascann sé le clár na scoileanna CCPC Money Matters ( a chuireann acmhainní saor in aisce ar fáil do mhúinteoirí meánscoile agus do dhaltaí maidir le hábhair a bhaineann le hairgeadas pearsanta, lena n-áirítear físeáin, bileoga oibre agus cás-staidéir.
    Níl straitéis náisiúnta um oideachas airgeadais ná cumas airgeadais ag Éirinn faoi láthair. Is comhlacht reachtúil neamhspleách é CCPC a bhfuil déshainordú aige dlí na hiomaíochta agus dlí cosanta tomhaltóirí a fhorfheidhmiú in Éirinn agus tá ról reachtúil aige freisin maidir le forbairt an oideachais airgeadais agus an chumais airgeadais in Éirinn.
  • an tSeirbhís um Fhaisnéis Árachais (IIS) atá á hoibriú ag Insurance Ireland, cumann árachais na hÉireann, ag cur faisnéise ginearálta saor in aisce faoi árachas ar fáil do thomhaltóirí ó 1990 i leith. Bunaíodh an IIS chun freagra a thabhairt ar fhiosruithe poiblí faoi pholasaithe agus éilimh árachais agus chun gearáin áirithe a láimhseáil chomh maith. Tugann an IIS an fhaisnéis do thomhaltóirí ar an nguthán agus ar an ríomhphost. Áirítear ar a sheirbhísí freisin cásanna a réiteach faoin gComhaontú ar Chásanna Diúltaithe, foráil reachtúil faoina gcaithfear luachan mótarárachais a sholáthar do dhuine má dhiúltaigh triúr árachóir dóibh roimhe sin. Chomh maith le ceisteanna ó thomhaltóirí, láimhseálann an IIS freisin fiosruithe díreacha ó eagraíochtaí amhail an Ghníomhaireacht Náisiúnta do Thomhaltóirí, an Bord um Fhaisnéis do Shaoránaigh, ranna rialtais agus an Banc Ceannais.



  • "EDUCAZIONE ASSICURATIVA" is the IVASS Insurance Education portal. It specifically intends to offer citizens, including the younger ones, simple and clear information instruments on the principal issues of the insurance field, in order to help them make aware choices and improve their own welfare and security. From this portal you can access different informative products, each one designed for a specific target of users.
  • "PER I CONSUMATORI" / "FOR CONSUMERS" is the dedicated section in IVASS website which describes what IVASS does for Consumer protection. In this section, there are the answers to the frequently asked questions received by IVASS Contact Center, the main data on the complaints filed by consumers with either IVASS or the insurance undertakings and the most important regulations for the protection of policyholders, by topic. It's possible to check the list of irregular insurance mediation websites, the warning list of unauthorised undertakings and the list of cases of counterfeiting.
  • "QUELLO CHE CONTA" is the portal launched by the National Committee for the coordination and planning of initiatives on financial education aimed at disseminating financial education projects and materials developed by Supervisors and by the various entities participating in the Committee. The portal provides information tools to support financial decisions inherent to different stages of life.
  • COVIP institutional website dedicates, in line with its competence, a section to the retirement education by providing introductory guides, factsheets, self-assessment questionnaire and other information tools, which should be useful for learning about the supplementary pension system and how it works. The section also includes some in-depth information sheets, FAQs and the Glossary to help you understand the concepts most used in the supplementary pension system.
  • The Forum ANIA - Consumatori is a non-profit foundation set up by ANIA with the aim of facilitating and enhancing the dialogue between insurers and Italian consumers. It deals with welfare issues, financial education and training and insurance market issues. The Forum has, for example, developed a digital application that allows citizens to check their level of knowledge in the financial field and monitor the vulnerability of their family. It is also launched the "Io & i rischi" (Me & Risks) initiative, which is aimed at preventing risks and promoting an insurance culture among young Italian students.
  • Sonoprevidente has been created to help Italian citizens to find information and answers about their pension and healthcare future. It explains the different roles of public and private welfare and how they work with infographics, videos, tools and FAQs. Citizens can also find weekly news about the sector and some Guides that explain how Pension funds and Healthcare funds work as well as the welfare for self-employed workers. A specific section is dedicated to the young people. Sonoprevidente has been developed by Mefop (Company for the development of the pension funds market): the Ministry of Economy and Finance is the main shareholder, together with more than 100 welfare institutions (occupational pensions and healthcare schemes).


  • «EDUCAZIONE ASSICURATIVA» è il portale dell’educazione in materia di assicurazioni dell’IVASS. Ha lo scopo specifico di fornire ai cittadini, anche ai più giovani, strumenti informativi semplici e chiari sulle principali questioni in campo assicurativo, per aiutarli a compiere scelte consapevoli e migliorare il proprio benessere e la propria sicurezza. Questo portale consente di accedere a diversi prodotti informativi, ciascuno dei quali è progettato per uno specifico tipo di utenti destinatari.
  • «PER I CONSUMATORI» / «FOR CONSUMERS» è la specifica sezione del sito web dell’IVASS che descrive l’attività svolta dall’Istituto a favore della tutela dei consumatori. Qui si possono trovare le risposte alle domande frequenti inviate al centro di contatto dell’IVASS, i dati principali sui reclami presentati dai consumatori all’IVASS o alle imprese di assicurazione nonché le normative più importanti per la tutela dei contraenti, suddivise per argomento. È possibile controllare l’elenco dei siti web di intermediazione assicurativa irregolari, l’elenco di avvisi delle imprese non autorizzate e quello dei casi di contraffazione.
  • «QUELLO CHE CONTA» è il portale creato dal Comitato nazionale per la programmazione e il coordinamento delle attività di educazione finanziaria, volto a divulgare progetti e materiali in tale ambito elaborati dai supervisori e dai vari soggetti che fanno parte del Comitato. Il portale mette a disposizione strumenti informativi per fornire sostegno nelle decisioni finanziarie relative alle varie fasi della vita.
  • Il sito istituzionale della COVIP, in linea con le proprie competenze, dedica una sezione all’educazione previdenziale fornendo guide introduttive, schede tematiche, questionari di autovalutazione e altri strumenti informativi utili per conoscere il sistema della previdenza complementare e sapere come funziona. La sezione comprende anche alcune schede di approfondimento, FAQ e il glossario per aiutare a comprendere i concetti principali nell’ambito del sistema della previdenza complementare.
  • Il Forum ANIA – Consumatori è una fondazione senza scopo di lucro istituita dall’ANIA al fine di agevolare e promuovere il dialogo tra gli assicuratori e i consumatori italiani. Il Forum si occupa di questioni previdenziali, educazione e formazione in ambito finanziario e questioni inerenti al mercato assicurativo. Ad esempio, il Forum ha sviluppato un’applicazione digitale che consente ai cittadini di verificare il proprio livello di conoscenze in campo finanziario e di monitorare la vulnerabilità della propria famiglia. Il Forum ha altresì avviato l’iniziativa «Io & i rischi», volta a prevenire i rischi e promuovere una cultura delle assicurazioni tra i giovani studenti italiani.
  • Sono Previdente ha lo scopo di aiutare i cittadini italiani a trovare informazioni e risposte sul proprio futuro sotto il profilo pensionistico e dell’assistenza sanitaria. Attraverso grafici informativi, video, strumenti nonché domande e risposte frequenti, il sito illustra i diversi ruoli degli enti previdenziali pubblici e privati e il loro funzionamento. I cittadini possono anche trovarvi informazioni aggiornate settimanalmente sul settore, nonché alcune guide che spiegano il funzionamento dei fondi pensione e di assistenza sanitaria nonché del sistema previdenziale per i lavoratori autonomi. Una sezione specifica è riservata ai giovani. «Sono Previdente» è stato sviluppato da Mefop (società per lo sviluppo del Mercato dei Fondi Pensione), di cui il ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze è il principale azionista, insieme a oltre 100 istituti di previdenza sociale (pensioni e regimi sanitari aziendali e professionali).



  • Finanšu pratība (The Financial Literacy) is a digital platform, where all current and official information on financial literacy in Latvia can be viewed as well as relevant documents (strategy, research, data) can be found.
  • The Klientu skola (The Client School) is an educational portal for financial literacy in Latvia and it was launched by the Financial and Capital Market Commission. The Klientu skola (The Client School) collects educational materials on the most popular financial services and associated risks. Vortal provides explanations of the basic principles about savings, budget planning, investments, insurance, deposits, loans, payments and protection of client interests. Vortal is also available in Russian.
  • Consumer Rights Protection Centre website includes information related to consumer rights in Latvia (laws, regulations, information about supervision, public information campaigns, etc.).


  • Finanšu pratība (Finanšu pratība) ir digitāla platforma, kurā ir apskatāma visa aktuālā un oficiālā informācija par finanšu pratību Latvijā, kā arī ir atrodami attiecīgie dokumenti (stratēģija, pētījumi un dati).
  • Klientu skola ir izglītojošs finanšu pratības portāls Latvijā, ko izveidojusi Finanšu un kapitāla tirgus komisija. Klientu skola apkopo izglītojošus materiālus par populārākajiem finanšu pakalpojumiem un ar tiem saistītajiem riskiem. Šajā vortālā ir izskaidroti pamatprincipi attiecībā uz uzkrājumu veidošanu, budžeta plānošanu, ieguldījumiem, apdrošināšanu, noguldījumiem, kredītiem, maksājumiem un klientu interešu aizsardzību. Vortāls ir pieejams arī krievu valodā.



  • The website of the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein has a specific section on the protection of consumers. Amongst others, it includes a register with information on financial intermediaries and undertakings operating in Liechtenstein, warnings that a person is not entitled to carry out certain financial services as well as information as to whom consumers should contact in the event of a claim.
  • The University of Liechtenstein offers different types of advanced training courses for working people. The focus is on part-time university continuing education courses, ranging from certificate courses to executive master's courses.
    In addition, experts have the opportunity to participate in lectures, courses, seminars, conferences and symposia to update their knowledge.


  • Die Website der Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein enthält einen speziellen Bereich zum Thema Kundenschutz. Außerdem bietet die Website unter anderem ein Register der Bewilligungsträger mit Informationen über Finanzintermediäre und in Liechtenstein tätige Unternehmen, Warnmeldungen und Hinweise auf Anbieter, die über keine Bewilligung verfügen, sowie Informationen darüber, an wen sich Kunden im Falle einer Forderung wenden sollten.
  • Die Universität Liechtenstein bietet eine breite Palette von Weiterbildungsangeboten für Berufstätige an. Das Schwergewicht liegt auf berufsbegleitenden universitären Weiterbildungsstudiengängen, und zwar vom Zertifikatslehrgang bis zum exekutiven Masterstudiengang.
  • Daneben haben Fachleute die Möglichkeit, in Vorträgen, Kursen, Seminaren, Tagungen und Symposien ihren Kenntnisstand zu erweitern.



  • Lietuvos bankas / Ekonominis ir finansinis švietimas is the section of the internet website of the Bank of Lithuania dedicated to the economic and financial education of the consumers. This section covers the most popular topics related with different financial products provided in Lithuanian and European market.


  • Lietuvos bankas / Ekonominis ir finansinis švietimas yra Lietuvos banko interneto svetainės skiltis, kuris yra skirtas ekonominiam ir finansiniam vartotojų švietimui. Šiame skirsnyje pateikiamos populiariausios su įvairiais Lietuvos ir Europos rinkose teikiamais finansiniais produktais susijusios temos. 

EN | FR | DE


The LETZFIN website is an initiative aimed at promoting general knowledge in financial matters under the coordination of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). The CSSF is a Luxembourg public institution, which supervises the financial sector with the exception of the insurance sector.

The objective is to make the functioning of the world of finance accessible to all through simple explanations of its technical terms. The target group of LETZFIN remains quite general, people of all ages and professional backgrounds.

The website includes essential information with respect to situations each citizen encounters in private life. The purpose of the portal is to educate and protect consumers by providing them with basic financial information to help analyse and understands their financial situation, so as to make appropriate and informed decisions. The portal also contains useful interactive tools linked with financial matters such as a credit calculation simulator, a budget management toll, quiz games and explanatory videos.


Le site web de LETZFIN est une initiative destinée à promouvoir les connaissances générales en matière financière sous l’égide de la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). La CSSF est un établissement public luxembourgeois qui assure la surveillance du secteur financier, à l’exception du secteur des assurances.

L’objectif est de rendre le fonctionnement du monde de la finance accessible à tous par des explications simples de ses termes techniques. Le public cible de LETZFIN est assez hétéroclite et englobe des personnes de tous âges et de toutes catégories professionnelles.

Le site web contient des informations essentielles sur des situations auxquelles chaque citoyen est confronté dans sa vie privée. Il a pour but la formation et la protection des consommateurs par la mise à disposition d’informations financières de base destinées à les aider à analyser et comprendre leur situation financière pour leur permettre de faire des choix éclairés. Le portail propose également des outils interactifs utiles traitant de questions financières, tels qu’un simulateur de calculs de crédits, un outil de gestion du budget, des quiz et des vidéos explicatives.


Die Website lëtzfin ist eine Initiative zur Förderung des allgemeinen Finanzwissens unter der Schirmherrschaft der Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). Die CSSF ist als öffentliche Einrichtung in Luxemburg für die Überwachung des Finanzsektors (mit Ausnahme der Versicherungen) zuständig.

Das Ziel von lëtzfin ist es, die Funktionsweise der Finanzwelt durch einfache Erläuterungen ihrer Fachbegriffe für alle zugänglich zu machen. Die Zielgruppe von lëtzfin ist recht allgemein gehalten, d. h. Menschen jeden Alters und jeden beruflichen Hintergrunds.

Die Website enthält wesentliche Informationen zu Situationen, mit denen jeder Bürger im Privatleben konfrontiert sein kann. Ziel des Portals ist es, die Verbraucher aufzuklären und zu schützen, indem ihnen grundlegende Finanzinformationen zur Verfügung gestellt werden, die ihnen helfen, ihre finanzielle Situation zu analysieren und richtig einzuschätzen, damit sie angemessene und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen können. Das Portal enthält auch nützliche interaktive Tools im Zusammenhang mit finanziellen Fragen wie einen Simulator zur Kreditberechnung, eine Budgetverwaltungsvorlage, Quiz und Spiele sowie erläuternde Videos.



  • The MFSA is an independent public institution, regulating over 2,200 financial services firms in Malta. It is also responsible for consumer education and consumer protection in the financial services sector.
    Through the Consumer Awareness and Education section of its website, the MFSA provides information to consumers so that these are more aware of their rights and obligations when purchasing financial services or products. The website outlines the various financial products available such as different types of loans, bank accounts, investment services, insurance products, provides information about consumer’s rights and duties and explains technical jargon. It also provides guidelines on how to avoid scams and regularly updates consumers of financial services by issuing notices and warnings.
  • The website of the Malta Insurance Institute, the national institute for risk and insurance practitioners in Malta. It contains information for members and non-members, news, think-pieces, MFSA and EIOPA regulatory updates and training/CPE announcements.
  • The webpage of the Association of Consumer Rights covers financial services and related topics and also general topics for consumer protection.
  • The webpage of the Maltese Arbiter for Financial Services covers information on cross-border complaints.


  • L-MFSA hija istituzzjoni pubblika indipendenti, li tirregola aktar minn 2 200 ditta li joffru servizzi finanzjarji f’Malta. Hija responsabbli wkoll mill-edukazzjoni tal-konsumatur u l-protezzjoni tal-konsumatur fis-settur tas-servizzi finanzjarji. Permezz tat-Taqsima dwar is-Sensibilizzazzjoni u l-Edukazzjoni tal-Konsumatur fuq il-sit web tagħha, l-MFSA tipprovdi informazzjoni lill-konsumaturi sabiex dawn ikunu aktar konxji mid-drittijiet u mill-obbligi tagħhom meta jixtru servizzi jew prodotti finanzjarji. Is-sit web jispjega l-prodotti finanzjarji varji disponibbli bħat-tipi differenti ta’ self, kontijiet bankarji, servizzi ta’ investiment, prodotti tal-assigurazzjoni, jagħti informazzjoni dwar id-drittijiet u l-obbligi tal-konsumatur u jispjega t-teminoloġija teknika. Jipprovdi wkoll linji gwida dwar kif jiġu evitati l-iscams u jaġġorna b’mod regolari lill-konsumaturi tas-servizzi finanzjarji billi joħroġ avviżi u twissijiet.
  • Is-sit web tal-Istitut Malti tal-Assigurazzjoni, l-istitut nazzjonali tal-professjonijisti tar-riskju u tal-assigurazzjoni f’Malta. Jinkludi informazzjoni għal membri u għal dawk li mhumiex membri, aħbarijiet, artikli ta’ riflessjoni, aġġornamenti regolatorji mill-MFSA u mill-EIOPA u tħabbir ta’ taħriġ/CPE.



  • Money Wise is a platform responsible for developing and implementing the Dutch National Strategy for Financial Education. The programme office is run by the Ministry of Finance and involves various partners from government, science, education, the financial sector and consumer associations with the goal of increasing financial literacy and awareness among Dutch consumers. It does so by providing helpful links, tips and tricks and tools. It also runs various annual programmes such as MoneyWeek and Pension3Days. It also supports employers in helping employees becoming and remaining financially healthy.
  • Nibud is an independent foundation in the Netherlands that gives information and advice on financial matters of private households. Its mission is to contribute to family welfare by promoting a sound way of money management. Nibud does this by enabling households to make decisions on their own about matters with consequences on their budgets. Furthermore, Nibud increases the expertise of institutions for as much these influence the budgets of private households with their policy, advice or education.
  • The website (From A to security) was set up by the Dutch Association of Insurers in 2014 to provide independent consumer information in plain language. The information is arranged by life event, such as getting married, buying a house or travelling abroad, to make it easy for consumers to find the information they are looking for. The “insurance in four steps” section encourages consumers to be critical and shop around before they buy a policy. The four steps covered are: shopping around, what to consider when buying a policy, making a claim, and amending or terminating a contract. The website also includes a glossary of terms and an option to ask questions via an online form.
  • The pension tracking tool provides citizens with an overview of their pension entitlements from their first and second pillar pension. The tool is an initiative by the Dutch Association of Insurers, the Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds and the “Sociale Verzekeringsbank”, the organisation that implements national insurance schemes in the Netherlands.


  • Het platform Wijzer in geldzaken is verantwoordelijk voor de ontwikkeling en uitvoering van de nationale strategie voor financiële educatie. In het programmabureau, dat wordt geleid door het ministerie van Financiën, hebben partners uit de financiële sector, de wetenschap, de overheid en onderwijs- en consumentenorganisaties hun krachten gebundeld met als doel de financiële geletterdheid en het financieel bewustzijn onder consumenten te vergroten. Dat wordt gedaan aan de hand van nuttige links, tips, rekenhulpen en tools. Op het platform worden ook jaarlijkse programma’s georganiseerd, zoals de Week van het geld en de Pensioen3daagse. Tevens wordt steun verleend aan werkgevers bij het helpen van werknemers om financieel gezond te worden en te blijven.
  • Het Nationaal Instituut voor Budgetvoorlichting (Nibud) is een onafhankelijke stichting die informeert en adviseert over de financiën van huishoudens. Zijn missie is een goed beheer van de huishoudelijke financiën te bevorderen en zo een bijdrage te leveren aan het gezinswelzijn. Het Nibud doet dit enerzijds door consumenten in staat te stellen zelf beslissingen te nemen en keuzes te maken die van invloed zijn op hun budget, en anderzijds door de deskundigheid van instellingen te vergroten, voor zover deze via hun beleid, advisering en/of voorlichting invloed hebben op het budget van huishoudens.
  • De website is in 2014 opgezet door het Verbond van Verzekeraars om consumenten in heldere taal onafhankelijke informatie te verstrekken. De informatie is ingedeeld per levensgebeurtenis, zoals samenwonen of trouwen, een huis kopen of op reis gaan naar het buitenland, zodat consumenten gemakkelijk de informatie kunnen vinden die ze zoeken. De sectie “verzekeren in 4 stappen” moedigt consumenten aan kritisch te zijn en zich bij meerdere verzekeraars te oriënteren voordat zij een polis afsluiten. De vier stappen zijn: oriënteren, afsluiten (wat er allemaal bij komt kijken), schade claimen, en wijzigen of opzeggen. De website bevat ook een begrippenlijst, en via een onlineformulier kunnen vragen worden gesteld.
  • De pensioenwebsite geeft burgers inzicht in hun pensioenaanspraken uit de eerste en tweede pijler (AOW en opgebouwd pensioen). De website is een initiatief van het Verbond van Verzekeraars, de Pensioenfederatie en de Sociale Verzekeringsbank, uitvoeringsorganisatie voor de nationale verzekeringsregelingen in Nederland.



  • This page of the website of Finanstilsynet provides specific information addressed to consumers, such as how they can complain against financial services providers, a register of all Norwegian companies that are licensed to offer financial services, important market alerts as well as general information on different types of insurance products.
  • “Norsk Pensjon” (Norwegian Pension) is an online tracking tool that provides consumers with an overview of the expected retirement value of various pension schemes. The tool, which was launched in 2006, collates information from private pensions, occupational pensions and public pension schemes.
    Finance Norway, the financial services association, was one of the main initiators of this tracking tool. Norsk Pensjon is owned by seven life insurance companies and was developed in cooperation with the Social Security System (NAV). It has proved very popular with consumers, who are performing 3.4 million pension calculations every year.
  • The Finansportalen website is a portal that allows consumers to compare conditions and prices for the most common types of insurance and other financial products. The portal was developed by the Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman, the Consumer Council and the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. It was first launched in 2008 and has officially been part of the Consumer Council since 2010. Insurance companies provide the data for the portal.


  • Denne siden på Finanstilsynets nettsider inneholder spesifikk informasjon rettet mot forbrukere. Det gis herunder informasjon om hvordan de kan klage mot tilbydere av finansielle tjenester, en samlet oversikt over alle norske foretak som har tillatelse til å tilby finansielle tjenester, viktige markedsvarsler samt generell informasjon om ulike typer forsikringsprodukter.
  • «Norsk Pensjon» er et nettbasert sporingsverktøy som gir enkeltpersoner en samlet oversikt over forventet alderspensjon fra ulike pensjonsordninger. Verktøyet, som ble lansert i 2006, samler informasjon fra individuelle pensjons- og spareordninger, tjenestepensjoner og folketrygden.
  • Finans Norge, finansnæringens hovedorganisasjon, var en av de viktigste initiativtakerne til dette sporingsverktøyet. Norsk Pensjon eies av syv livsforsikringsselskaper og er utviklet i samarbeid med NAV (folketrygden). Denne portalen har vist seg å være veldig populært blant innbyggerne i Norge, og det utføres 3,4 millioner pensjonsberegninger hvert år.
  • Finansportalen er en portal som hjelper forbrukerne å sammenlikne gjeldende priser og vilkår for de vanligste bank-, pensjons-, forsikrings- og investeringsprodukter. Portalen er utviklet av Forbrukerombudet, Forbrukerrådet og Finansdepartementet og Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet. Den ble først lansert i 2008 og har offisielt vært en del av Forbrukerrådet siden 2010. Forsikringsselskapene leverer dataene til portalen.



  • Financial education website "CEDUR" (Polish, English) is a subpage within the main website devoted to The Education Centre for Market Participants (CEDUR) which is a long-term project carried out by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF). The project is aimed at promoting and disseminating financial literacy and understanding of how the financial market operates by using for this purpose various methods of education: direct i.e. training seminars, workshops and indirect i.e. publications (free brochures and handbook), Competition for the Award of the Chair of the KNF Board for the best PhD dissertation in the field of financial markets.
    The main part of the CEDUR project are training seminars and workshops addressed to various groups of participants and the educational publications as well. The subpage "CEDUR" provides information on the activities taken within the project with a breakdown per sections: Training seminars, The UKNF’s publications on financial literacy, Contests and other educational initiatives, Educational initiatives for school environment.
  • In February 2018 the Polish Chamber of Insurance (PIU) launched a project dedicated to helping consumers understand the idea of insurance. On a dedicated website consumers can find advice and answers to frequently asked questions.
  • The webpage of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection provides information related to consumer protection for the financial services market.
  • The webpage of the National Bank of Poland provides information on the capital market, banking and finance, monetary policy, public budget, basic economic concepts, financial planning.


  • Witryna edukacji finansowej CEDUR (polski, angielski) to podstrona w ramach głównej witryny, poświęcona Centrum Edukacji dla Uczestników Rynku (CEDUR) – długoterminowemu projektowi realizowanemu przez Urząd Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego (UKNF). Celem projektu jest propagowanie i upowszechnianie wiedzy finansowej oraz rozumienia zasad funkcjonowania rynku finansowego poprzez wykorzystywanie w tym celu różnych metod edukacji: bezpośrednich, tzn. seminariów szkoleniowych, warsztatów, oraz pośrednich, tzn. publikacji (bezpłatnych broszur i poradnika), Konkursu o Nagrodę Przewodniczącego KNF na najlepszą pracę doktorską z zakresu rynku finansowego. Głównym elementem projektu CEDUR są seminaria szkoleniowe i warsztaty skierowane do różnych grup uczestników, a także publikacje edukacyjne. Podstrona CEDUR zawiera informacje o działaniach podejmowanych w ramach projektu w podziale na poszczególne sekcje: „Seminaria szkoleniowe”, „Publikacje UKNF z zakresu wiedzy finansowej”, „Konkursy i inne przedsięwzięcia edukacyjne”, „Przedsięwzięcia edukacyjne dla środowiska szkolnego”.
  • W lutym 2018 r. Polska Izba Ubezpieczeń (PIU) uruchomiła projekt pomocy konsumentom w rozumieniu idei ubezpieczeń. W specjalnej witrynie internetowej konsumenci mogą znaleźć porady i odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania.
  • Witryna internetowa Narodowego Banku Polskiego zawiera informacje o rynku kapitałowym, bankowości i finansach, polityce monetarnej, budżecie państwa, podstawowych pojęciach ekonomicznych oraz planowaniu finansowym.




  • The Todos Contam is the portal of the National Plan for Financial Education. Todos Contam is a financial education portal managed by the Portuguese financial supervisors that provides information and useful tools for the management of personal finances and presents information to support financial decisions inherent to different stages of life. 
    It also provides access to an e-learning platform that features a set of classes and support materials on topics such as insurance. The Todos Contam portal functions as a platform for disseminating financial education initiatives, projects and materials developed by financial supervisors and the various entities participating in the Plan.
  • Portal do Consumidor is a financial education portal managed by the Portuguese insurance and pension funds supervisor which provides information on the main features of different insurance products, licensed insurance undertakings, insurance intermediaries and ancillary insurance intermediaries, complaints procedures, recommendations issued by the clients’ ombudsmen and insurance legislation.


  • O portal Todos Contam é o portal do Plano Nacional de Formação Financeira. O Todos Contam é um portal de formação financeira gerido pelos supervisores financeiros portugueses, que disponibiliza informação e ferramentas úteis para a gestão das finanças pessoais e apresenta informação de apoio às decisões financeiras inerentes a diferentes etapas da vida. Também disponibiliza acesso a uma plataforma de e-learning que inclui um conjunto de lições e materiais de apoio sobre temas como os seguros. O portal Todos Contam funciona como uma plataforma de divulgação das iniciativas, projetos e materiais de formação financeira desenvolvidos pelos supervisores financeiros e pelas várias entidades que participam no Plano.
  • O Portal do Consumidor é um portal de formação financeira gerido pela Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões portuguesa, que fornece informações sobre as principais características dos diferentes produtos de seguros e ainda sobre empresas de seguros, mediadores de seguros, mediadores de seguros acessórios e procedimentos de reclamação. Divulga ainda as recomendações emitidas pelo Provedor do Cliente e a legislação em matéria de seguros.



  • FSA portal for Financial Education is managed by the Financial Supervisory Authority and is dedicated to population, as it provides information and useful tools for the management of personal finances, including campaigns and programs for financial education in the area of personal finances, insurance, capital market, private pensions. Also, it presents information to support seminaries for financial literacy inherent to different stages of life, including support materials used for train the trainer purposes. The site functions as a platform for disseminating financial education initiatives, programs and materials developed by FSA. It also contains a large set of materials dedicated to consumers, as awareness is part of financial literacy of adults and SMSE.
  • This page presents the campaigns, support materials and the projects implemented by ISF in partnership with the Financial Supervisory Authority or with professional associations from insurance industry. It also offers information about the past and future events - as the European Conference of Financial Services, targeting both students and professor.
  • Asiguropedia aims to:
    • To inform the general public about the insurance mechanisms and, implicitly, its education in order to reduce the risks.
    • To help consumers of financial products and services to understand the necessary notions in this field, in order to be able to make correct decisions and adapted to their needs.
    • To guide those who want to plan their family's financial budget, in order to reduce its destabilization, to the right insurance products for them.
    • To increase the degree of prevention of the risks of daily life, including in terms of road, domestic or health hazards.
    • To help people act and react in critical situations, thus trying to reduce material or human loss of life.
  • APPA is a professional, non-governmental, apolitical, independent, non-profit organization whose main goals are to promote the concept of insurance, to protect the interests of the consumer of insurance products and to support the increase of insurance education among the Romanian population.


  • Portalul ASF pentru educație financiară este gestionat de Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară și este dedicat populației, oferind informații și instrumente utile pentru gestionarea finanțelor personale, inclusiv campanii și programe de educație financiară în domeniul finanțelor personale, al asigurărilor, al pieței de capital sau al pensiilor private. De asemenea, prin informațiile oferite, inclusiv materiale-suport utilizate pentru formarea formatorilor, constituie un sprijin pentru seminarele de educație financiară, inerentă în diferite etape ale vieții. Site-ul funcționează ca platformă de difuzare a inițiativelor, programelor și materialelor de educație financiară elaborate de ASF. Acesta conține, de asemenea, o gamă largă de materiale dedicate consumatorilor, întrucât sensibilizarea face parte din educația financiară a adulților și a IMM-urilor.
  • Această pagină prezintă campaniile, materialele-suport și proiectele puse în aplicare de ISF în parteneriat cu Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară sau cu asociațiile profesionale din sectorul asigurărilor. Aici găsiți, de asemenea, informații despre evenimentele trecute și viitoare – de exemplu, Conferința Europeană a Serviciilor Financiare, care vizează atât studenții, cât și profesorii.
  • Asiguropedia își propune:
    • să informeze publicul larg cu privire la mecanismele de asigurare și, implicit, educarea acestuia pentru a reduce riscurile;
    • să ajute consumatorii de produse și servicii financiare să înțeleagă noțiunile necesare în acest domeniu, pentru a putea lua decizii corecte și adaptate nevoilor lor;
    • să îi îndrume pe cei care doresc să-și planifice bugetul financiar al familiei, pentru a reduce destabilizarea acestuia, către produsele de asigurare adecvate pentru ei;
    • să sporească gradul de prevenire a riscurilor vieții cotidiene, inclusiv în ceea ce privește riscurile rutiere, domestice sau pentru sănătate;
    • să ajute oamenii să acționeze și să reacționeze în situații critice, urmărind astfel să reducă pierderile materiale sau de vieți omenești.
  • APPA este o organizație profesională, neguvernamentală, apolitică, independentă și non-profit, ale cărei obiective principale sunt promovarea conceptului de asigurare, protejarea intereselor consumatorului de produse de asigurare și susținerea creșterii nivelului de educație în domeniul asigurărilor în rândul populației din România.



  • The websites managed by National Bank of Slovakia (NBS) and Ministry of Finance are dedicated to general public with the aim of explaining in a simple way and language the principles of money management and various operations with financial resources, such as investments, mortgages, bank services, insurance etc., vocabulary and FAQ are also available. They provide all the information connected to finance management in a clear way with many examples and practical advice for day-to-day situations.
  • The basic framework for the financial education activities of NBS is set out in The Financial Literacy Support Strategy of Národná banka Slovenska. In 2020, on the basis of this strategy, NBS unveiled a new initiative in the area of financial education: the web portal Here people can access reliable information about the world of finance, including videos, interviews, warnings, and advice to help them in their financial decisions.

    We also provide opportunities for informal interactive financial education at our Banská Bystrica and Košice regional offices and at the Museum of Coins and Medals in Kremnica. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have started to offer online financial education to secondary schools and have stepped up our educational activity on social media. In this way, we are reaching out to the younger generation, whose important financial decisions still lie ahead. Furthermore, we have set up a grant scheme to support NGO projects in the area of financial literacy.

    At NBS we believe that a more financially educated population means a more stable economic and financial system. Better economic decision-making will increase the financial well-being of consumers and their families.


  • Webové sídla spravované Národnou bankou Slovenska (NBS) a Ministerstvom financií sú určené širokej verejnosti. Ich cieľom je jednoducho a zrozumiteľne vysvetliť zásady hospodárenia s peniazmi a rôzne operácie s finančnými prostriedkami, ako sú investície, hypotéky, bankové služby, poistenie a podobne. K dispozícii je aj slovník a časté otázky. Prehľadne sa na nich uvádzajú všetky informácie spojené s hospodárením s financiami, ako aj množstvo príkladov a praktických rád z každodenného života.
  • Základný rámec činností NBS v oblasti finančného vzdelávania je vymedzený v Stratégii Národnej banky Slovenska na podporu finančnej gramotnosti. V roku 2020 NBS na základe tejto stratégie predstavila novú iniciatívu v oblasti finančného vzdelávania: webový portál Ľudia tu majú prístup k spoľahlivým informáciám zo sveta financií vrátane videí, rozhovorov, upozornení a rád, ktoré im pomôžu v ich finančných rozhodnutiach.

    Možnosti neformálneho interaktívneho finančného vzdelávania poskytujeme aj na našich regionálnych pracoviskách v Banskej Bystrici a Košiciach a v Múzeu mincí a medailí v Kremnici. Počas pandémie COVID-19 sme začali ponúkať online finančné vzdelávanie pre stredné školy a zintenzívnili sme našu vzdelávaciu činnosť na sociálnych sieťach. Týmto spôsobom oslovujeme mladšiu generáciu, ktoré budú v budúcnosti prijímať dôležité finančné rozhodnutia. Ďalej sme zriadili grantový program na podporu projektov mimovládnych organizácií v oblasti finančnej gramotnosti.

    V NBS veríme, že vzdelanejšie obyvateľstvo vo finančnej oblasti znamená stabilnejší hospodársky a finančný systém. Lepším rozhodovaním o ekonomických otázkach sa zvýši finančný blahobyt spotrebiteľov a ich rodín.



Financial literacy is important in the field of insurance, so the Insurance Supervision Agency in its work attaches great importance to the protection of policyholders and other beneficiaries of insurance contracts. The new Directive on the Distribution of Insurance Products (IDD Directive) brings many innovations for policyholders as well as for insurance sellers - distributors, which is why the Agency decided, among other things, to issue a brochure on this topic.
he brochure presents and explains the essential innovations and information for the consumer or insurer brought by the IDD Directive. The brochure is available on the Agency's website in Slovene at the link and in English

In addition, the Insurance Supervision Agency is preparing the content and scope of the updated knowledge for the basics of insurance, which will be used in the textbooks of the Ministry of Education and Sport.


Finančna pismenost je pomembna na področju zavarovalništva, zato Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor pri svojem delu pripisuje velik pomen zaščiti imetnikov polic in drugih upravičencev zavarovalnih pogodb. Nova direktiva o distribuciji zavarovalnih produktov uvaja številne novosti tako za imetnike polic kot za prodajalce zavarovanj – distributerje, zato se je agencija med drugim odločila izdati brošuro na to temo. V brošuri so predstavljene in pojasnjene bistvene novosti in informacije za potrošnika ali zavarovalnico, ki jih uvaja direktiva o distribuciji zavarovalnih produktov. Brošura je dostopna na spletni strani agencije v slovenskem jeziku na povezavi in v angleškem jeziku na povezavi

Poleg tega Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor pripravlja vsebino in obseg posodobljenega strokovnega znanja o osnovah zavarovalništva za uporabo v priročnikih Ministrstva za šolstvo in šport.



  • Finanzas para Todos is a webpage sponsored by the Spanish Financial Markets Authority (CNMV) and the Bank of Spain. Its content covers all the areas of a Financial Education Program: from advices on how to deal with personal and familiar finances to the description of the main financial products. You can find too some links addressed to collectives as teachers and students or to webpages of the private institutions (on insurance that of the MAPFRE Foundation).
  • Gaspar is a webpage managed by the Spanish Insurance Supervisory Authority (DGSFP) which offers all the information on the insurance and pension products. A guidance to advice in the process of contracting, a technical glossary of terms and the way of submitting complaints are a part of its content. Moreover you can find a section of Frequently Asked Questions covering topics on the entire process of the life of an insurance or pension product.
  • The Tus coberturas (Your covers) microsite of the Estamos Seguros campaign by the The Spanish Insurers Association (UNESPA). On this microsite people can find explanations of what the characteristics of the five most common insurance products are: motor, home, health, life risk and funeral services. The microsite explains what is covered by compulsory, standard and extended insurance cover for each of these five insurance products.


  • Finanzas para todos es una página web patrocinada por la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) y el Banco de España. Su contenido abarca todos los aspectos del programa de educación financiera, desde consejos sobre cómo gestionar las finanzas personales y familiares hasta descripciones de los principales productos financieros. También encontrará enlaces dirigidos a colectivos como docentes y estudiantes y páginas web de instituciones privadas (en seguros, la de la Fundación MAPFRE).
  • Gaspar es una página web gestionada por la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGSFP) que ofrece toda la información sobre los productos de seguros y pensiones. Su contenido incluye orientaciones para el asesoramiento en el proceso de contratación, un glosario técnico de términos y la forma de presentar reclamaciones. Además, contiene una sección de preguntas frecuentes sobre temas relacionados con el ciclo completo de vida de los productos de seguros y pensiones.
  • El micrositio Tus coberturas pertenece a la campaña «Estamos Seguros» de la Unión Española de Entidades Aseguradoras y Reaseguradoras (UNESPA). En este micrositio encontrará explicaciones sobre las características de los cinco productos de seguro más comunes: automóvil, hogar, salud, vida y riesgo, y decesos. El micrositio explica qué incluye la cobertura de seguro obligatoria, estándar y ampliada de cada uno de estos cinco productos de seguro.



  • This webpage of Finansinspektionen provides a financial education overview with links to what educational projects are available.
  • Gilla Din Ekonomi - the independent network of financial education including material, online courses and different apps.
  • Konsumenternas - The Swedish Consumers' Banking and Finance Bureau and The Swedish Consumers' Insurance Bureau provide consumers with independent information, comparisons and advice regarding financial services. All information and advise is free of charge.
  • minPension, online since 2004, is an independent self-service service educational web platform, which gives the pension saver a comprehensive picture of earned and saved pension including the ability to make pension forecasts free of charge. As of 14th of October 2020 logged-in users exceed 4 million people.
  • is a service for managing powers of attorney relating to pensions and life assurance policies. makes it easy for individuals and companies to get an overview of their powers of attorney and how long they will be valid. The service also allows users to sign powers of attorney and revoke them. It is provided free of charge for individuals and companies. was established in 2016 by Insurance Sweden and the Swedish Insurance Brokers' Association.
  • Insurance Sweden, the Swedish insurance association, has run the “Ersättningskollen” (Compensation check) website since 2014. It was produced with the public agency for sickness benefits (Försäkringskassan) and AFA Insurance, an insurance company owned by labour market representatives. The website allows consumers to calculate what benefits and compensation they are entitled to from both public and private schemes in case of sickness, an accident or occupational injuries. It does not require any log-in and gives them a first check of their economic situation and a guide to how to apply for compensation and benefits. Two million people have visited the website since 2014.


  • Gilla Din Ekonomi – det oberoende nätverket av finansiell utbildning inklusive material, kurser på nätet och olika appar.
  • Konsumenternas – Konsumenternas Bank- och finansbyrå och Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå förser konsumenterna med oberoende information, jämförelser och råd om finansiella tjänster. All information och rådgivning är gratis.
  • minPension finns på nätet sedan 2004 och är en oberoende webbplattformtjänst där pensionsspararen själv kan skaffa sig upplysningar, få en heltäckande bild av intjänad och sparad pension och göra pensionsprognoser utan kostnad. Sedan den 14 oktober 2020 har antalet inloggade användare överstigit 4 miljoner personer.
  • är en tjänst för fullmakter som avser pensioner och livförsäkringspolicyer. ger enskilda personer och företag en lättillgänglig översikt över sina fullmakter och hur länge de kommer att vara giltiga. Med denna tjänst kan användarna dessutom underteckna och återkalla fullmakter. Tjänsten är gratis för enskilda personer och företag. inrättades 2016 av Svensk Försäkring och Svenska försäkringsförmedlares förening.
  • Svensk Försäkring, den svenska försäkringsföreningen, har drivit “Ersättningskollen” (kompensationskontroll) webbplatsen sedan 2014. Den har tagits fram av den offentliga byrån för sjukvårdsförmåner (Försäkringskassan) och Afa Försäkring, ett försäkringsföretag som ägs av arbetsmarknadsrepresentanter. På webbplatsen kan konsumenterna beräkna vilka förmåner och ersättningar de är berättigade till, från både offentliga och privata sjukförsäkringar om de drabbas av sjukdom, olycka eller yrkesskada. Utan krav på inloggning ger den konsumenterna en första kontroll av deras ekonomiska situation och en vägledning för hur man söker ersättning och förmåner. Två miljoner människor har besökt webbplatsen sedan 2014.




  • This page of the website of Finanstilsynet provides specific information addressed to consumers, such as how they can complain against financial services providers, a register of all Norwegian companies that are licensed to offer financial services, important market alerts as well as general information on different types of insurance products.
  • “Norsk Pensjon” (Norwegian Pension) is an online tracking tool that provides consumers with an overview of the expected retirement value of various pension schemes. The tool, which was launched in 2006, collates information from private pensions, occupational pensions and public pension schemes. Finance Norway, the financial services association, was one of the main initiators of this tracking tool. Norsk Pensjon is owned by seven life insurance companies and was developed in cooperation with the Social Security System (NAV). It has proved very popular with consumers, who are performing 3.4 million pension calculations every year.
  • The Finansportalen website is a portal that allows consumers to compare conditions and prices for the most common types of insurance and other financial products. The portal was developed by the Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman, the Consumer Council and the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. It was first launched in 2008 and has officially been part of the Consumer Council since 2010. Insurance companies provide the data for the portal.


  • Denne siden på Finanstilsynets nettsider inneholder spesifikk informasjon rettet mot forbrukere. Det gis herunder informasjon om hvordan de kan klage mot tilbydere av finansielle tjenester, en samlet oversikt over alle norske foretak som har tillatelse til å tilby finansielle tjenester, viktige markedsvarsler samt generell informasjon om ulike typer forsikringsprodukter.
  • «Norsk Pensjon» er et nettbasert sporingsverktøy som gir enkeltpersoner en samlet oversikt over forventet alderspensjon fra ulike pensjonsordninger. Verktøyet, som ble lansert i 2006, samler informasjon fra individuelle pensjons- og spareordninger, tjenestepensjoner og folketrygden. Finans Norge, finansnæringens hovedorganisasjon, var en av de viktigste initiativtakerne til dette sporingsverktøyet. Norsk Pensjon eies av syv livsforsikringsselskaper og er utviklet i samarbeid med NAV (folketrygden). Denne portalen har vist seg å være veldig populært blant innbyggerne i Norge, og det utføres 3,4 millioner pensjonsberegninger hvert år.
  • Finansportalen er en portal som hjelper forbrukerne å sammenlikne gjeldende priser og vilkår for de vanligste bank-, pensjons-, forsikrings- og investeringsprodukter. Portalen er utviklet av Forbrukerombudet, Forbrukerrådet og Finansdepartementet og Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet. Den ble først lansert i 2008 og har offisielt vært en del av Forbrukerrådet siden 2010. Forsikringsselskapene leverer dataene til portalen.