Financial stability - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Financial stability

Our approach to financial stability

EIOPA strives to be in a position to take preventive action and so takes a forward looking approach to this work. 

The core of EIOPA's approach to financial stability is to bring together risk analysis and vulnerability analysis in order to assess the stability of the sector at a point in time.

EIOPA has a responsibility to inform other European Supervisory Authorities, the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) as well as the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the European Commission of the emergence of such risks and vulnerabilities. In this way, EIOPA performs its role as part of the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS).

Insurance stress tests

Occupational pensions stress test

Financial Stability Reports and thematic articles

Twice a year, EIOPA publishes its Financial Stability Report, a key publication that sheds light on the key developments and risks in the European insurance and pension sectors. Additionally, the report can also include topical focuses and feature articles on specific topics.

Check out the latest reports

Risk dashboard

The risk dashboard presents a quarterly risk assessment of the European Union insurance industry using Solvency II data.

It looks at different types of risk, such as  risks related to macro, credit, market, liquidity and funding, insurance underwriting risks or ESG-related risks. At the same time, it covers market perceptions, as well as profitability and solvency.

Discover the latest risk dashboard


Insurance statistics

Occupational pensions statistics

EIOPA provides statistical data on how institutions for occupational retirement provision in the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA) perform. The statistics contain aggregated country level information about the basic information, balance sheet, asset exposures, expenses, member data, contributions, benefits, and transfers.  

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