Symmetric adjustment of the equity capital charge - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Symmetric adjustment of the equity capital charge

Monthly calculations

Publication is done on a monthly basis.

Upcoming publication dates in 2025 are set as follows: 3 April, 6 May, 4 June, 3 July, 5 August, 3 September, 6 October, 5 November, 3 December.

The calculation of the symmetric adjustment based on the behaviour of an equity index built by EIOPA exclusively for that purpose. The legal requirements on the determination of the symmetric adjustment and of the EIOPA equity index are set out in the Directive 2009/138/EC (as amended by Directive 2014/51/EU), the Implementing Measures of that Directive, and also in the Implementing Technical Standard on the EIOPA equity index.​

Extraordinary EDA calculations

During the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, EIOPA carried out  extraordinary calculations in the period 24 March - 15 September 2020 to monitor the evolution of the symmetric adjustment to equity risk (ED) and to support insurance and reinsurance undertakings in the monitoring of their solvency and financial position. 

The information is published on this page, in the section “Extraordinary Symmetric adjustment updates” .

EDA previous releases

Publications symmetric adjustment of the equity capital charge calculations before December 2019 .

Go to the previous EDA releases

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