Risk-free interest rate term structures - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Risk-free interest rate term structures

Monthly RFR calculations

Monthly publication of risk-free interest rate term structures ensures consistent calculation of technical provisions across Europe and contributes to higher supervisory convergence for the benefit of the European insurance policyholders.

Publication is done on a monthly basis.

Upcoming publication dates in 2025 are set as follows: 3 April, 6 May, 4 June, 3 July, 5 August, 3 September, 6 October, 5 November, 3 December.

Technical information published is based on sources which EIOPA considers to be reasonably reliable. However, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary for EIOPA, to amend and/or republish a particular, from time to time, its technical information after it has been published.  EIOPA accepts no responsibility or liability for any losses incurred in connection with any decision made or action or inaction on the part of any party in reliance upon EIOPA’s technical information.

Extraordinary RFR calculations

During the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, EIOPA carried out  extraordinary calculations in the period 24 March - 15 September 2020 to monitor the evolution of the symmetric adjustment to equity risk (ED) and to support insurance and reinsurance undertakings in the monitoring of their solvency and financial position. 

The information is published on this page, in the section “Extraordinary RFR updates”. 

RFR for Financial Stability reporting

Semi-annual publication of shifted risk-free interest rate term structures (RFR) to ensure consistent calculation of the “Option-adjusted” duration (S.38.01.11) in the context of the Guidelines for reporting for financial stability purposes.

Publication is done on a semi-annual basis.

Upcoming publication dates in 2025 are set as follows: 4 July

Risk-free rates previous releases and preparatory phase

Prior to December 2021 and preparatory phase risk-free interest rate term structures publications.

Go to the previous RFR releases

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