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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Corporate documents

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Corporate documents (64)

Showing results 20 to 30
  • General publications

In 2021, the Joint Committee under the chairmanship of the ESMA, continued to have a central role for the coordination and exchange of information between the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), the European Commission (EC) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB). The main areas of cross...

Documents type
  • Annual report
  • Report
Topics type
  • Organisation
  • General publications

One of the main goals of EIOPA is to ensure a high, effective and consistent level of supervision across Europe, with the aim of guaranteeing a similar level of protection of policyholders and beneficiaries across jurisdictions, preventing supervisory arbitrage and guaranteeing a level playing...

Documents type
  • Strategy
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • Supervisory framework
  • General publications

EIOPA's digital transformation strategyaddresses the challenges posed by the digitalisation of the insurance and pensions sector, while enabling stakeholders to harness the benefits that arise from new technologies and business models.

Documents type
  • Corporate documents
  • Strategy
Topics type
  • Consumer protection
  • Innovation
  • General publications

Through its work on sustainable finance, EIOPA aims to ensure that (re)insurers and occupational pension funds integrate sustainability risks in their risk management, to protect consumers and secure financial stability.The activities reflect the need for global action to enable decisive progress...

Documents type
  • Annual work programme
  • Corporate documents
Topics type
  • Sustainability
  • General publications

The Supervisory Handbook recommends good practices to EIOPA’s members and observers for the supervision of insurance and reinsurance undertakings and groupscarrying on life and non-life business, towards fulfilling its goal of building a common Union supervisory culture and consistent supervisory...

Documents type
  • Corporate documents
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

In 2022 the Joint Committee work will continue to focuson the area of consumer and investor protection, retail financial services, retail investment products and prudential analysis of cross-sectoral developments, risks and vulnerabilities for financial stability, cybersecurity, financial...

Documents type
  • Annual work programme
  • Corporate documents
Topics type
  • Organisation
  • General publications

The Single Programming Document 2022-2024 sets out EIOPA’s strategy and work programme for the coming years and includes the Annual Work Programme for 2022. EIOPA’s agenda will continue to be influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the macroeconomic environment and the overall European agenda. Under...

Documents type
  • Annual work programme
  • Corporate documents
Topics type
  • Organisation
  • General publications

This report presents how EIOPA contributed during 2020 to enhancing the common European supervisory culture and promoted consistent supervisory practices both from a prudential and conduct of business supervision perspective.

Documents type
  • Corporate documents
  • Report
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

This paper sets out EIOPA's Strategic Approach to a comprehensive risk-based and preventive framework for conduct of business supervision on a European level.

Documents type
  • Strategy
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • Supervisory framework