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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Document Library

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Document Library (560)

Showing results 120 to 140
  • General publications

During the 2020 review of Solvency II EIOPA identified several divergent practices regarding the valuation of best estimate, as presented in the analysis background document to EIOPA’s Opinion on the 2020 review of Solvency II. Divergent practices require additional guidance to ensure a convergent..

Documents type
  • Guidelines
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

During the 2020 review of Solvency II EIOPA identified several divergent practices regarding contract boundaries assessment, as presented in the analysis background document1 to EIOPA’s Opinion on the 2020 review of Solvency II. Divergent practices require additional guidance to ensure a...

Documents type
  • Guidelines
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published today a staff paper that provides an overview of the proposal for an Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) put forward by the European Commission in September 2021. In its staff paper, EIOPA welcomes the...

Documents type
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

The thematic article employs panel data to investigate whether stress test results and other characteristics associated with European insurers vulnerabilities affect dividend distributions and share buybacks. The authors, Petr Jakubik from EIOPA and Saida Teleu from the Central Bank of Malta...

Documents type
  • Thematic article
Topics type
  • Stress test
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

EIOPA’s supervisory convergence plan identifies, in line with EIOPA’s mandate, EIOPA’s annual priorities to enhance supervisory convergence by ensuring a high, effective and consistent level of supervision across Europe, with the aim of guaranteeing a similar level of protection of policyholders...

Documents type
  • Report
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

TheJune 2022 Financial Stability Reportexamines the main trends for the European (re)insuranceand pensions sectors as well as the macroeconomic landscape with its implications.It considers the impact ofinflation driven bystressed supply chains and the geopolitical situation that has further...

Documents type
  • Financial stability report
Topics type
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

On 28 January 2021 EIOPA published a discussion paper and launched a public consultation on “open insurance: accessing and sharing insurance-related data”, in order to better understand open insurance developments and risks and benefits related to that.A high-level summary of the responses...

Documents type
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Innovation
  • Annual report

The Annual Report 2021 issetting out EIOPA's activities and achievements of the past year.2021 continued under the influence of COVID-19 pandemic. EIOPA carried out a demanding Annual Work Programme and welcomed Petra Hielkema in September 2021 as Chairperson for a five year mandate.

Documents type
  • Annual report
  • Corporate documents
Topics type
  • Organisation
  • General publications

This final report presents new draft amending regulatory technical standards (RTS) on the risk mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP (bilateral margining) that the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have developed under Article 11(15) of EMIR1 . The draft RTS...

Documents type
  • Report
Topics type
  • Regulation
  • General publications

Building on its ambitious agenda for sustainable finance, and in particular on the sensitivity analysis of asset-side transition risks published in 2020, EIOPA launched a follow-up exercise on physical risks in the second half of 2021. This discussion paper presents the first results of this...

Documents type
  • Discussion paper
  • Report
Topics type
  • Sustainability
  • General publications

On 29 April 2021, EIOPA launched a public consultation on a ‘Discussion paper on blockchain and smart contracts in insurance’ with the aim of providing a high-level overview of risks and benefits of blockchain and smart contracts in insurance from a supervisory perspective as well as to gather...

Documents type
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Innovation
  • General publications

This Report presents the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESAs) technical advice to the Commission on Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (PRIIPs Regulation) 1 following a request received from the Commission on 27 July 20212 . It will serve as input to the Commission’s work to develop a strategy for...

Documents type
  • Advice
  • Submission to the EC
Topics type
  • Regulation
  • PRIIPs