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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
General publications

Balance Sheet Review of the Bulgarian insurance sector


Publication date
3 February 2017


31 JANUARY 2023
Annex 4a: Non-Life Insurance Companies
31 JANUARY 2023
Annex 4a: Non-Life Insurance Companies (BG)
31 JANUARY 2023
Annex 4b: Life Insurance Companies
31 JANUARY 2023
Annex 4b: Life Insurance Companies (BG)
31 JANUARY 2023
Annex 4c: Group Results - BG
31 JANUARY 2023
Annex 4c: Group Results
31 JANUARY 2023
Appendix III-Detailed results per Pension Fund (BG)
31 JANUARY 2023
Appendix III-Detailed results per Pension Fund
31 JANUARY 2023
Balance Sheet Review of the Bulgarian Insurance Sector (BG)
31 JANUARY 2023
Balance Sheet Review of the Bulgarian Insurance Sector
31 JANUARY 2023
Bulgarian Pension Funds’ Assets Review (BG)
31 JANUARY 2023
Bulgarian Pension Funds’ Assets Review
31 JANUARY 2023
Questions Insurance and Pensions Sector Review in Bulgaria