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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
General publications

Report on the use of capital add-ons during 2020


Publication date
22 November 2021


The objective of the capital add-on measure is to ensure that the regulatory capital requirements reflect the risk profile of the solo undertaking or of the insurance group. Therefore, it is important that national competent authorities (NCAs) use it when needed, with the aim to ensure a high degree of supervisory convergence in its application. It is also important to maintain a level playing field regarding the setting of capital add-ons.

The analysis included in the report is based on 2020 year-end data collected under Directive 2009/138/EC (Solvency II) as reported by the solo undertakings or insurance groups from the European Economic Area, and complemented by a dedicated survey for NCAs that entailed both qualitative and quantitative questions.

Capital add-ons report 2020


31 JANUARY 2023
Report on the use of capital add-ons during 2020