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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority


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Publications (1064)

Showing results 170 to 180
  • General publications

The European Commission’s proposal for an Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was adopted in September 2021 as part of the Solvency II (SII) review package. Since then it has been under consideration by European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.In order to provide...

Documents type
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

The European Commission’s proposal for an Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was published in September 2021. The legislative proposal is currently under consideration by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.A recent EIOPA Staff paper provides an overview...

Documents type
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

Following the publication of the Supervisory Statement on Value for Money in November 20211, as highlighted therein, EIOPA has worked on a methodology to ensure a consistent and convergent approach towards the implementation of said Supervisory Statement.While the methodology is for support and...

Documents type
  • Methodology
Topics type
  • Consumer protection
  • General publications

One of the biggest worldwide problems in insurance is the question of lacking coverage. How is the situation in the EU and what is EIOPA doing to close protection gaps?Indeed, protection gaps can be observed in multiple segments of the insurance world, such as in cyber, pandemic, or natural...

Documents type
  • Interview
Topics type
  • Protection gap
  • Sustainability
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

This report describes to what extent the National Competent Authorities (NCAs) have implemented the recommended actions addressed to them as aresult of the peer review on propriety of Administrative Management and Supervisory Body (AMSB) members and qualifying shareholders in 2019. In addition, it...

Documents type
  • Peer review
  • Report
Topics type
  • Governance
  • General publications

EIOPAhas set out its strategy for the period 2023 – 2026.Under the overall vision of building a safe and sustainable EU for citizens in times of transformation, EIOPA has identified strategic priorities on which to focus.Sustainable financeDigital transformationSupervisionPolicyFinancial...

Documents type
  • Corporate documents
  • Strategy
Topics type
  • Organisation