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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority


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Publications (1059)

Showing results 210 to 220
  • General publications

EIOPA’s supervisory convergence plan identifies, in line with EIOPA’s mandate, EIOPA’s annual priorities to enhance supervisory convergence by ensuring a high, effective and consistent level of supervision across Europe, with the aim of guaranteeing a similar level of protection of policyholders...

Documents type
  • Report
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

TheJune 2022 Financial Stability Reportexamines the main trends for the European (re)insuranceand pensions sectors as well as the macroeconomic landscape with its implications.It considers the impact ofinflation driven bystressed supply chains and the geopolitical situation that has further...

Documents type
  • Financial stability report
Topics type
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

On 28 January 2021 EIOPA published a discussion paper and launched a public consultation on “open insurance: accessing and sharing insurance-related data”, in order to better understand open insurance developments and risks and benefits related to that.A high-level summary of the responses...

Documents type
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Innovation
  • Annual report

The Annual Report 2021 issetting out EIOPA's activities and achievements of the past year.2021 continued under the influence of COVID-19 pandemic. EIOPA carried out a demanding Annual Work Programme and welcomed Petra Hielkema in September 2021 as Chairperson for a five year mandate.

Documents type
  • Annual report
  • Corporate documents
Topics type
  • Organisation
  • General publications

This final report presents new draft amending regulatory technical standards (RTS) on the risk mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP (bilateral margining) that the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have developed under Article 11(15) of EMIR1 . The draft RTS...

Documents type
  • Report
Topics type
  • Regulation
  • General publications

INESE: You have just completed six months at the helm of EIOPA, what has been your focus during this time?Petra Hielkema: I have had a good first half year. It has been easy because my predecessor did a great job. But, at the same time, it has been a rollercoaster because I had to meet with many...

Documents type
  • Interview
Topics type
  • Petra Hielkema