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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority


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Publications (1064)

Showing results 320 to 330
  • General publications

The Supervisory Handbook recommends good practices to EIOPA’s members and observers for the supervision of insurance and reinsurance undertakings and groupscarrying on life and non-life business, towards fulfilling its goal of building a common Union supervisory culture and consistent supervisory...

Documents type
  • Corporate documents
  • Other documents
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

The report aims at enhancing super­visory knowledge on the prevention and management of insurance failures, based on the information contained in the EIOPA data­base, which comprises a sample of 219 affected insurance undertakings in 31 European countries,dating back from 1999 to 2020.

Documents type
  • Report
Topics type
  • Supervision
  • General publications

The main objective of the Opinion is to foster an effective cost supervision across the EU in order to enhance the value for money offered to members and beneficiaries, the cost efficiency of IORPs and the affordability for sponsors.The opinion is accompanied by an impact assessment and...

Documents type
  • Opinion
Topics type
  • IORP
  • General publications

The Annual European Insurance Overview is published by EIOPA as an extension of its statistical services in order to provide an easy-to-use and accessible overview of the European (re)insurance sector. The report is based on annually reported Solvency II information. This ensures that the data has...

Documents type
  • Insurance overview report
  • Report
Topics type
  • Statistics
  • General publications

In 2022 the Joint Committee work will continue to focuson the area of consumer and investor protection, retail financial services, retail investment products and prudential analysis of cross-sectoral developments, risks and vulnerabilities for financial stability, cybersecurity, financial...

Documents type
  • Annual work programme
  • Corporate documents
Topics type
  • Organisation
  • General publications

This report highlights EIOPA's policy approach for the implementation of Interbank Offered Rates (IBOR) transitions.This report includes a summary of the comments received by the stakeholders, the final methodology to perform the IBOR transitions, as well as the results of the information request...

Documents type
  • Report
Topics type
  • Risk-free rate
  • General publications

The Single Programming Document 2022-2024 sets out EIOPA’s strategy and work programme for the coming years and includes the Annual Work Programme for 2022. EIOPA’s agenda will continue to be influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the macroeconomic environment and the overall European agenda. Under...

Documents type
  • Annual work programme
  • Corporate documents
Topics type
  • Organisation
  • General publications

What are the main challenges of the implementation of the new supervisory technologies?The use of supervisory technology is already a reality in many national competent authorities and at EIOPA as well. Supervisors use technology (so called “SupTech”) to enhance internal administrative supervisory...

Documents type
  • Contribution
Topics type
  • SupTech