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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2904

Regulation Reference: (EU) 2023/894 - ITS with regard to the templates for the submission of information necessary for supervision

Topic: Reporting Templates

Template: S.06.02

Status: Final

Date of submission: 22 Nov 2023


Template S.06.02:

C0293 = how to properly fill in this field and where can we find the information?
C0296 and C0297 = should we interpret that CIC 95 should be classified as 9 and how to handle land and leases or rights of use.

EIOPA answer

For C0293 from S.06.02 the identification whether the asset is subject to bail-in rules shall be done in line with Articles 43 and 44 of the Directive 2014/59/EU (the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive - BRRD).
On the reporting of C0296 and C0297:  Plant and equipment should be included in the calculation of property potentially exposed to physical risk (see Q&A 2553). As plant and equipment are reported in a single line undertaking are therefore invited to use their own judgment and apply a look through approach, similarly as for indirectly held properties. The right of use properties should be included in the definition of property for the physical risk KPI (Q&A 2782). In addition, as long as the assets are to be classified under CIC 9, C0296 is to be filled in according to the instructions.