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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Standardised methods to calculate the undertaking-specific parameters


Article number:  220

1. Where insurance and reinsurance undertakings calculate undertaking-specific parameters they shall use, for each parameter, the standardised methods set out in Annex XVII as follows:

(a) the premium risk method for undertaking-specific parameters replacing the standard parameters referred to in Article 218(1)(a)(i), (a)(ii), (c)(i) and (c)(ii);

(b) the reserve risk method 1 or the reserve risk method 2 for undertaking-specific parameters replacing the standard parameters referred to in Article 218(1)(a)(iv), and (c)(iv);

(c) where here is a recognisable excess of loss reinsurance contract, the non-proportional reinsurance method 1, or, where there is a recognisable stop loss reinsurance contract, the non-proportional reinsurance method 2 for undertaking-specific parameters replacing the standard parameters referred to in Article 218(1)(a)(iii) and (c)(iii);

(d) the revision risk method for undertaking-specific parameters replacing the standard parameters referred to in Article 218(1)(b) and (d).

2. Where the undertaking is able to use more than one standardised method, the method that provides the most accurate result for the purposes of fulfilling the calibration requirements included in Article 101(3) of Directive 2009/138/EC shall be used.

However, where an undertaking is not able to demonstrate the greater accuracy of the results of one standardised method over the other standardised methods to calculate an undertaking-specific parameter, the method providing the most conservative result shall be used.


RULEBOOK TOPIC:  SECTION 12 - Undertaking-specific parameters


Last update on:  12 Jul 2024