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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

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Is ACTION LOGEMENT SERVICES, which is listed in the INSEE list of central administration organisms subject to SCR spread 0 calculation under b of 2 of Article 180 of the delegated regulation 2015/35 ?

Risk concentrations for Unit Linked, cell C0200 May Swedish undertakers have exception to report risk concentrations on Unit Linked products since the risk is fully borne by the policy holder? hall there be reporting in cell C0200 even if it does not entail any concentrations risk for the insurance undertaker?

Can you please confirm the presentation of the expected reimbursement of re-insured claims that are past due but not yet paid to the policyholder. In particular whether these amounts are presented in reinsurance recoverable or reinsurance receivable.

When considering an exposure to be a significant RC (that represent 10% of the group SCR) is it to be compared with C0150 Total amount of the exposure (gross) or Amount of exposures… (net) to the group SCR?

Template S.06.02:

C0293 = how to properly fill in this field and where can we find the information?
C0296 and C0297 = should we interpret that CIC 95 should be classified as 9 and how to handle land and leases or rights of use.

We would like to clarify what exactly needs to be included for S.06.02 C0295 Crypto-assets. Are only directly held crypto assets to be included? EIOPA Q&A 2654 seems to indicate that only directly held crypto assets are to be included as per “if C0295 Crypto-assets has been completed with 1-4, then CIC code should be 'XX09'”. But does this new field consider non-direct exposure. For example how should the below be reported in this field: Equity of a large cryptocurrency exchange platform be included? Typically CIC3 e.g. ISIN US19260Q1076 A collective investment fund that tracks bitcoin. Typically CIC4 e.g. ISIN DE000A27Z304

1. Future Premiums for the Premium Provision Calculation under Solvency II: We have a question regarding the calculation of premium provisions. The present value of future premiums is a component of this calculation, and we would like to know if this component can be equal to zero other than the case of the premiums being paid fully before the inception of the coverage (considering that the policy is active).

For reporting e.g. in S.08.01, if there is no LEI code available, validation rule BV1243 does not allow the item "None" for "counterparty (group) code type". Yet the filing rules do allow that constellation. Could you please check this validation rule or clarify how to report in such cases?

How is the Member State in which the risk is situated determined in situations where policy covers multiple risks (where policy holder is NOT a legal person)? For example, where the insurance relates to a vehicle and in addition extra cover is included, like accident. Is it necessary to determine which is the Member State in which the risk is situated for each risk/insurance on the policy or does extra cover on the same policy follow the main risk? In the provided example, is the Member State of registration of the vehicle relevant for the accident insurance or are there two potential Member States in which the risk is situated-the Member State of registration of the vehicle and the Member State in which the habitual residence of the policy holder is situated?

Since the adoption of the Solvency II guidelines, have the financial market supervisory authorities both in Germany and Liechtenstein the authority to impose restructuring measures on insurance companies for life insurance policies, such as a temporary payment ban or a reduction in the insurance company's obligations, or whether the financial market supervision authority in Liechtenstein indeed does not have the authority to do so?