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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

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Mapping of values FC0100 in template FC.05 to the categories in FC.00: In the final ITS, the values of FC0100 in template FC.05 were expanded to a total of 9 categories, in particular to include insurance business-related values. For categories 5-9 (5 - "Costs or income", 6 - "Insurance premiums", 7 - "Receivables (for insurance)", 8 - "Reinsurance technical result", 9 - "Other"), a clear allocation to the categories in FC.00 ("Commissions paid to service providers", "Fees and other income", "Interest", "Dividends") should be specified.

  • Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)

If the conglomerate submits semi annually, what reference period should be applied to its reporting as of December 31 ? The Commission Implementing Regulation 2022 2454 of 14 December 2022 indicates "FC 01 Equity type transactions, debt and asset transfers FC 0190 Amount of dividends/interest/coupon and other payments made during reporting period”.

  • Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)

In the new template FC.06 Risk Concentration – Exposure by counterparties there is a field for Assets whose risks are mainly borne by the policyholders”. Is there a predefined threshold or definition to explain “mainly”? If we are correct, there is no definition of when risks should be considered “mainly borne by the policyholders” under the Solvency II taxonomy either. Could you clarify what is specifically expected?

  • Reporting templates on risk concentrations and intra-group transactions for conglomerates (FICOD)

The Monthly RFR calculations seem to missing multiple countries for EIOPA_RFR_20250131_Term_Structures. For December 2024 there were 52 countries, for January 2025 there are only 41. The missing countries are Brazil, Chile, India, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand and Turkey. Has there been an error in the production of the file and can it be reissued?

  • Risk Free Rate (RFR)

The calculation of the capital requirement for market risk concentration is specified in Articles 182 to 187 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35. According to Article 183, the calculation is performed per single name exposure included in the calculation base of the market risk concentrations sub-module, denoted “Assets”. Article 184(2) of the Delegated Regulation defines the scope of this calculation base.

  • Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)

As an answer to Q&A 3081 on the Credit Risk Adjustment, you mention that the liquidity condition has not been met. Can you share your outcomes in the liquidity analysis over various buckets? This would allow us to check if we monitor (approximately) the same figures.

  • Risk Free Rate (RFR)

Should future benefits of unit-linked products be reported as Future guaranteed benefits (C0051) or Future discretionary benefits (C0055) in S.

  • Technical Provisions (TPs)
  • Reporting Templates

In the RFR_TERM STRUCTURE you provided, SOUTH KOREA's LLP is considered to be 20 years. Can you explain in detail the reason? Or, if there is a related report, please recommend it. In the BACKGROUND DOCUMENT ON THE OPINION ON THE 2020 REVIEW IF SOLVENCY2 report you provided, OUTCOME OF SWAP DLT assessment 2016~2019, KRW is listed as up to 10 years. Is there a reason why SOUTH KOREA's LLP is considered to be 20 years?

  • Risk Free Rate (RFR)

For the calculation of the capital requirement for longevity risk pursuant to Article 138 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, insurance undertakings have to determine the loss in basic own funds that would result from an instantaneous permanent decrease of 20 % in the mortality rates used for the calculation of technical provisions. In that context, the decrease in mortality rates should only apply to those insurance policies for which a decrease in mortality rates leads to an increase in technical provisions without the risk margin.

  • Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)

The answer to Q&A#2630 is not 100% clear to us:"S.37 should include all type of exposures and is therefore not limited by information in S.06. However, when specific asset characteristics are not applicable (e.g. country of issuer is not applicable) to the assets following the assessment for S.06 this will also impact the tables under S.37 (e.g. table S. exposure by country will not reflect this asset but the asset still needs to be included in for example S., if significant)

  • Reporting Templates