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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
News article3 March 20201 min read

Support and guide our work: become a member of EIOPA’s stakeholder groups

stakeholder group selection process

Have your say in shaping the insurance and pensions sectors in Europe

Can you represent the interests of insurance or pension stakeholders in Europe?

Is your work (e.g. as an academic, or consumer/industry/employee/SME representative) relevant to the future of the insurance and pensions sectors?

Have your voice heard and become a member of EIOPA’s stakeholder groups: the Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group (IRSG) and the Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG).

The two stakeholder groups are independent bodies that support and guide EIOPA’s work. They facilitate consultation between EIOPA and stakeholders in Europe on issues such as regulatory and implementing technical standards as well as guidelines and recommendations that apply to the insurance and pensions sectors.

Each group will be composed of 30 members and will meet at least four times a year.

The call for candidates is open until 13 April 2020.

Learn more and apply


Publication date
3 March 2020