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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Invite us to speak


Invite a member of EIOPA's management or an expert to speak at a conference or an event

If you are organising a conference or an event and you would like to invite EIOPA Chairperson, the Executive Director, a member of the Management team or an expert to speak at your event:

Fill out this speaker request form

When filling out the form, please indicate as precisely as possible the following information:

  • Detailed information about the event organiser
  • The type of the intervention: speech, presentation, speaker at roundtable event, panellist, panel moderator
  • Precise information about the event, such as the format, the topics, the audience, gender representation
  • Draft/final agenda

All requests must be sent using the speaker request form. Please do not contact EIOPA staff directly. 

We look forward to the possibility of contributing to your event.