Whistleblowing - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority


If you have evidence that a national competent authority (NCA) responsible for the supervision of (re-/) insurance undertakings, insurance distributors or institutions for occupational retirement provision is acting in such a way that constitutes actual or potential breach, abuse of law, or non-application of Union law , you may report that intelligence along with the underling evidence.

In accordance with its mandate, EIOPA does not follow-up on intelligence, which points to individual complaints , employment and contractual disputes, or any other irregularities or wrongdoings by Union or national authorities or establishments for which EIOPA is not competent. In such cases, EIOPA directs the whistleblower where appropriate to the competent Union institution or body or national authority, or passes on the intelligence directly to the competent Union institution or body or national authority.     

Report it

You can submit intelligence and relevant supporting evidence by: 

  •  email at: whistle@eiopa.europa.eu, or 
  • post to: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority – Whistleblowing, Westhafen Tower, Westhafenplatz 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main.      

Intelligence you can disclose

The more detail you can give us, the easier it will be for us to consider what our response should be.
The following things are all useful:

  • the names of any NCAs, legal entities with regard to which the breach of Union law occurred, and any individuals involved in the breach of Union law
  • any key dates you know about
  • the ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘where’ of any supporting documents or evidence
  • the type of breach and who else knows about it
  • whether you made the disclosure with anyone else, and if you suffered any harm as a result of this.

You may remain anonymous. Giving us your identity and contact detail allows us to clarify things with you, ask for further information and provide you feedback.

EIOPA ensures protection of any whistleblowers (natural or legal persons) and safeguards their identity in accordance with Union law. Moreover, to enhance the integrity of its whistleblowing investigations, EIOPA does not allow for premature disclosure of any information concerning ongoing investigations. If EIOPA deems that the submitted intelligence contains evidence or significant indications of material breaches, it may, if appropriate, provide feedback to the whistleblower on its findings.

In order to best consider your report, please make sure that it contains detailed and complete information.

Data protection

Any personal data contained in the intelligence you provide us with is processed in compliance with the requirements laid down in Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Further and more detailed information regarding the processing of your personal data can be found in the privacy statement.

Please be aware that misusing the Whistleblowers mechanism may constitute a criminal offence in one or more Member States of the European Union.