Under the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD), consumers will benefit from a simple, standardised insurance product information document (IPID), which aims to provide clearer information on non-life insurance products, so that consumers can make more informed decisions.
Following consumer testing, EIOPA developed draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on a standardised presentation format for the IPID, which were submitted to the European Commission on 7 February 2017. These draft ITS have since been incorporated in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1469 of 11 August 2017 laying down a standardised presentation format for the IPID.
NOTE: Manufacturers of non-life insurance products are not obliged to use these specific files and may choose instead to develop their own IPIDs that meet the requirements of the IPID Implementing Regulation.
To aid manufacturers of non-life insurance products developing IPIDs, EIOPA has released the following files:
INDD editable templates
EIOPA has worked with the European Commission to develop an editable version of the IPID template in all official languages of the EU. The files below are available in Adobe InDesign (.indd) format only and follow the layout shown in the Annex to the IPID Implementing Regulation and are consistent with the relevant colours, fonts and logos required by the Regulation itself. Adobe InDesign was the software which was used when developing the standardised presentation format for the consumer testing and the draft ITS.
PDF versions of the IPID
For illustrative purposes, the templates are also available in PDF format.
Image files of the icons used in the IPID
The icons used in the IPID are available in .ai and .jpg format
Copyright Notice
Re-use is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Neither EIOPA, nor the EU shall be liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse.
For further information, please consult the copyright notice. In order to acknowledge the source, manufacturers of non-life insurance products are recommended to use the following text: "Format: © European Union, 2017"
If you have any questions regarding these downloadable files, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.
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