Consultation on the proposal for Regulatory Technical Standards on management of sustainability risks including sustainability risk plans - Solvency II Review - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
  • Consultation
  • Closed

Consultation on the proposal for Regulatory Technical Standards on management of sustainability risks including sustainability risk plans - Solvency II Review


Opening date

Target audience

All interested stakeholders

Why we are consulting

In its proposal, EIOPA aims to limit the burden on undertakings and establish a coherent and proportionate approach to sustainability risk management. In this regard, the proposed Regulatory Technical Standards integrate the sustainability risk plans into existing risk management practices of undertakings, connect their sustainability plans with their transition plans, while allowing undertakings to disclose sustainability risks in a consistent and efficient manner.

The draft Regulatory Technical Standards specify the minimum standards and reference methodologies for the identification, measurement, management, and monitoring of sustainability risks, the elements to be covered in the plans, the supervision and disclosure of relevant elements of the plans. 

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.

Reference documents

  • 4 DECEMBER 2024
Consultation Paper on Regulatory Technical Standards on management of sustainability risks.pdf