Warning to insurers and banks on Credit Protection Insurance (CPI) products - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
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Warning to insurers and banks on Credit Protection Insurance (CPI) products


Publication date
30 September 2022


With this warning EIOPA is calling on insurers and banks (acting as insurance distributors) to ensure CPI products offer fair value to consumers by:

  • taking action to address issues with high remuneration paid by insurance manufacturers to insurance distributors for the sale of credit protection insurance (CPI) products and
  • preventing detrimental conflicts of interest in the context of bancassurance business models from arising.

This warning follows a thematic review on the functioning of the EU market for CPI products sold with mortgages, consumer credits and credit cards, which revealed a number of practices that could cause detriment to consumers.


  • 31 JANUARY 2023
EIOPA warning to insurers and banks on Credit Protection Insurance.pdf