Follow-up report to the peer review on the propriety assessment of administrative, management and supervisory body members and qualifying shareholders - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
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Follow-up report to the peer review on the propriety assessment of administrative, management and supervisory body members and qualifying shareholders


Publication date
12 October 2022


This report describes to what extent the National Competent Authorities (NCAs) have implemented the recommended actions addressed to them as a result of the peer review on propriety of Administrative Management and Supervisory Body (AMSB) members and qualifying shareholders in 2019. In addition, it addresses the monitoring of how the best practices, as identified in that past peer review, have been taken into consideration, implemented or further developed by the NCAs. It identifies the progress made, up to January 2022, against the recommended actions of the peer review on propriety of AMSB members and qualifying shareholders.


  • 31 JANUARY 2023
Follow-up Report to the Peer Review on the propriety assessment of administrative management and supervisory body members and qualifying shareholders.pdf