EIOPA chairs EU Agencies Network - EIOPA Skip to main content
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
  • News article
  • 1 March 2023
  • European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
  • 1 min read

EIOPA chairs EU Agencies Network

EU Agencies Network

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has today taken over for the next year as chair of the EU Agencies Network (EUAN), the forum that brings together all EU agencies and joint undertakings to cooperate on matters of mutual interest. 

As chair, EIOPA will build on the progress made by previous chairs, most recently Fusion for Energy, to continue to strengthen cooperation and sharing of services between the network members, to further improve the cost-effectiveness of agencies and joint undertakings. Other priorities include contributing to the ‘Greening the Commission’ initiative to become carbon neutral by 2030, increasing the attractiveness of agencies and joint undertakings as employers as well as to further positioning the network as a valued partner at EU Institutional level. 

The principles of the EUAN work programme (see below) stem from the EUAN multi-annual strategy that covers the period 2021-27 and take into consideration more recent developments, such as geopolitical uncertainty and its ramifications, inflation and the cost of living crisis, as well as seize opportunities associated with the green and digital transformations.

EIOPA Executive Director, Fausto Parente said, ‘It is a great honour to be chairing the EU Agencies Network. Together, EU agencies and joint undertakings develop and implement policies that touch on all aspects of life in Europe. In coming together through this network, we are stronger and better placed create value for European citizens.’

About the EU Agencies Network

Established in 2006 by the heads of EU agencies and joint undertakings (JUs), the EU Agencies Network (EUAN) provides a forum for coordination, information exchange and the agreement on common positions on issues of mutual interest. The Network strengthens the voice of the EU agencies and JUs and promotes good governance. The EUAN is comprised 49 agencies and JUs tasked with the design and implementation of key EU policies across a diverse range of areas. The organisational structure of the Network includes the Assembly of the Heads of Agencies, the Assembly of the Heads of Resources, the Coordinating Agency, a Troika (comprising current, previous and future chair) and a Brussels based Shared Support Office.

Related resources

  • 3 MARCH 2023
EUAN Work Programme 2023-24 - EN



Publication date
1 March 2023
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority