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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Matteo Sottocornola

Financial Stability Team Lead, EIOPA



Matteo leads the Financial Stability Team of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority. In its capacity he coordinates risk assessment initiatives, liquidity monitoring activities and stress test initiatives, including the regular EU-wide insurance stress test exercises. He represents EIOPA in the ESRB as member of the Stress Test Task Force, and in the IAIS where he actively contributed to the design and implementation of the holistic framework for the systemic risk in the insurance sector.
Matteo started his career in an Italian bancassurance group, moved to consultancy in the financial service industry division of a Big Four and, served as researcher in the academia.
Matteo graduated in Engineering at the University of Bologna and hold a Ph.D. in economics from Goethe Universiteat Frankfurt.