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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Interviews & contributions

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Interviews & contributions (90)

Showing results 20 to 30
  • General publications

One of the biggest worldwide problems in insurance is the question of lacking coverage. How is the situation in the EU and what is EIOPA doing to close protection gaps?Indeed, protection gaps can be observed in multiple segments of the insurance world, such as in cyber, pandemic, or natural...

Documents type
  • Interview
Topics type
  • Protection gap
  • Sustainability
  • Financial stability
  • General publications

Solvency II established a framework for supervision of Europe’s insurance sector, underpinning the importance of a risk-based approach to assessing and mitigating risks. With the overarching objective of strengthening policyholder protection, the framework continues to work well. Nonetheless, it...

Documents type
  • Contribution
Topics type
  • Solvency II