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News (918)
RSSPublication of the Assessment of the Bulgarian Insurance and Pensions Sector
Page ContentEIOPA published today a Consultation Paper on Guidelines on complex Insurance-Based Investment Products (IBIPs) that incorporate a structure which makes it difficult for the customer to understand the risks involved.These Guidelines are developed in line with Articles 30(7) and (8) of...
Page ContentEIOPA published today the translations of the Guidelines on Facilitating an Effective Dialogue between Insurance Supervisors and Statutory Auditors into all official languages of the European Union indicating the start of a “comply or explain” reporting process. During a 2-month period...
EIOPA Advises on the Implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive
Page ContentThe European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published today an update of the technical documentation of the methodology to derive the risk-free interest rate term structures (see here).The update includes the following changes:The use of the input data for the...
EIOPA and the Bermuda Monetary Authority sign a Memorandum of Understanding
The EU â U.S. Insurance Project Addresses Cyber Risk
EIOPA Welcomes The EU-U.S. Covered Agreement On Insurance And Reinsurance Measures
2015-01-29 Election Braumuller
2014-12-04 Publication of CAP for internal models
2014-11-28 Trend report
2014-12-01 Stress Test 2014 Presentation