- Publication date
- 11 January 2023
The Consumer Trends Report 2022 focuses on the financial health of consumers and small businesses through their use of insurance and pension savings products.
The findings of the report are underpinned by the results of a flash Eurobarometer survey commissioned by EIOPA and other relevant sources.
Look at the video interview with our experts and download the report, the heatmap with the key findings, as well as the eurobarometer findings.
Consumer trends report 2022.pdf
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Heat Map of the key findings of the 2022 Consumer Trends Report.pdf
Consumer trends report 2022 - statistical annex.pdf
Eurobarometer EU27 full results - consumers.pdf
Eurobarometer EU27 full results - SMEs.pdf
Eurobarometer infographic - consumers -insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer infographic - consumers - pensions_.pdf
Eurobarometer infographic - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Austria -consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Belgium - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Bulgaria - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Cyprus - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Czechia - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Germany - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Denmark - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Estonia- consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Greece - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Spain - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Finland - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - France - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Croatia - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Hungary - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Ireland - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Italy - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Lithuania - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Luxembourg - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Latvia - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Malta - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Netherlands - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Poland- consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Portugal - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Romania - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Sweden - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Slovenia - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet - Slovakia - consumers - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Austria - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Belgium - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Bulgaria- SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Cyprus - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Czechia - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Germany- SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Denmark - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Estonia - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Greece - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Spain - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Finland - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet France- SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Croatia - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Hungary - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Ireland - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Italy - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Lithuania - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Luxembourg- SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Latvia - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Malta - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Netherlands - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Poland - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Portugal - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Romania - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Sweden - SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Slovenia- SMEs - insurance.pdf
Eurobarometer country specific factsheet Slovakia - SMEs - insurance.pdf