- Publication date
- 23 January 2024
The report examines the financial well-being of consumers amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and explores whether all consumers, regardless of their characteristics are treated fairly. Some of the trends that the report looks into are:
- Value for money concerns for retail investment products inflation impacting insurance and pension consumers, particularly vulnerable ones
- Discriminatory practices affecting certain types of consumers in relation to exclusions/product design and pricing practices
- Issues related to poor value of ancillary products, high commissions and aggressive sales techniques despite some improvements
- Digitalisation
- Sustainability claims
The findings of the report are underpinned by the results of a flash Eurobarometer survey commissioned by EIOPA and other relevant sources.
Take a look at the video interview with our experts and download the report, the heatmap with the key findings, as well as the Eurobarometer findings.