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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
General publications

Decision of the Board of Supervisors on collection of information by EIOPA


Publication date
17 December 2021


As part of its Data and IT Strategy EIOPA identified the need to amend its previous Decision on Collection of Information (EIOPA-BoS-15/198) enhancing its scope, not only to Solvency II, but also addressing information on Pensions (IORP) and Pan-European Pension Products (PEPP) frameworks.

The timelines, channels and formats of submission are updated to provide certainty and improve the efficiency of the collection of information by EIOPA profiting out of the maturity achieved in the relevant procedures since 2015.

The revised deadlines for the National Authorities to submit to EIOPA the Quarterly Solvency II information affect only reporting obligations with undertaking or group submission date after the publication of this Decision. The EIOPA Taxonomy Roadmap has been updated accordingly.


31 JANUARY 2023
Decision of the Board of Supervisors on collection of information by EIOPA