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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

1636 - Level of detail in appropriateness test and how this relates to unit-linked contracts


Question ID: 1636 - Level of detail in appropriateness test and how this relates to unit-linked contracts

Regulation Reference: (EU) No 2017/2359 - info requirements and conduct of business rules applicable

Topic: Other

Status: Final

Date of submission: 10 Jul 2018


How detailed should the information obtained for the appropriateness test be? In the case of a unit-linked insurance contract, does it cover both the product and its underlying assets?

EIOPA answer

The level of detail will be case-specific and depend upon the individual circumstances of the sale including the nature of the product or service offered or demanded, the risks involved and the knowledge and experience of the customer. Article 17(1) of Delegated Regulation 2017/2359 requires that the information obtained shall include information to the extent appropriate to the nature and type of product or service offered or demanded. 
Therefore, it should relate to the product overall, including where relevant, such as in the case of a unit-linked insurance contract, the underlying investment assets. Article 19(3) of Delegated Regulation 2017/2359 contains requirements for records to be kept in relation to the appropriateness assessment, in particular regarding the result of the assessment, warnings given to the customer and storage in an accessible manner for future reference.