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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2464

Regulation Reference: Guidelines on group solvency

Topic: Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)

Article: N/A

Template: S.22.01

Status: Final

Date of submission: 14 Jul 2022


We would like to enquire about the newly introduced rows (R0120 and R0130) SCR and MCR Ratios in S.22.01.04 as part of Taxonomy 2.8.0 PWD2. We saw from the 2450_ITS_reporting_consolidated_AnnexIII_Group (page19) that MCR Ratio should be equal to: "Total amount of eligible own funds to meet MCR (R0100) divided by the total amount of MCR (R0110) of each column". However, both R0100 and R0110 are not part of the S.22.01.04. R0100 and R0110 correspond to (1) Eligible own funds to meet Minimum Capital Requirement and (2) Minimum Capital Requirement in S.22.01.01, respectively. These two elements are not part of group reporting. In addition, MCR is not part of the group own funds S.23.01.04. This makes us think that it could be a mistake that MCR Ratio (R0130) was added to S.22.01.04.

EIOPA answer

EIOPA confirms that there is a mistake and the MCR ratio (R0130) shall not be reported in S.22.01.04. The mistake will be corrected in the future ITS amendments.