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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority



Question ID: 2852

Regulation Reference: (EU) 2023/894 - ITS with regard to the templates for the submission of information necessary for supervision

Topic: Reporting Templates

Template: S.06.02

Status: Final

Date of submission: 01 Nov 2023


We would like to clarify what exactly needs to be included for S.06.02 C0295 Crypto-assets. Are only directly held crypto assets to be included? EIOPA Q&A 2654 seems to indicate that only directly held crypto assets are to be included as per “if C0295 Crypto-assets has been completed with 1-4, then CIC code should be 'XX09'”. But does this new field consider non-direct exposure. For example how should the below be reported in this field: Equity of a large cryptocurrency exchange platform be included? Typically CIC3 e.g. ISIN US19260Q1076 A collective investment fund that tracks bitcoin. Typically CIC4 e.g. ISIN DE000A27Z304

EIOPA answer

Indirect exposures as CIU that tracks bitcoin (CIC XX49) or equity from cryptocurrency exchange platforms (CIC XX39) should be included as “4-Other crypto-assets" in S.06.02 C0295.