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European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

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Rulebook search (827)

Showing results 750 to 760

Where Article 88 is complied with, insurance and reinsurance undertakings may calculate the capital requirement for life mortality risk as follows: SCR mortality= 0,15 * q* sum_(k=1 to n)CAR k * CAR((1-q)^(k-1)/(1+ i_k)^ (k-0,5)) where, with respect to insurance and reinsurance policies with a...

Where Article 88 is complied with, insurance and reinsurance undertakings may calculate the capital requirement for health mortality risk as follows: SCR_health-mortality = 0,15 * q * sum^n _k=1 CAR_k * ((1-q)^(k-1))/((1+i_k)^(k-0,5))where with respect to insurance and reinsurance policies with a...

The capital requirement for windstorm risk shall be equal to the following: SCR_windstorm = sqrt ((Sum_r,s CorrWS_(r,s) * SCR_(windstorm,r) * SCR_(windstorm,s) + SCR^2_(windstorm,other)))where:(a) the sum includes all possible combinations (r,s) of the regions set out in Annex V; (b) CorrWS (r,s)...

The volume measure for non-life premium and reserve risk shall be equal to the sum of the volume measures for premium and reserve risk of the segments set out in Annex II. For all segments set out in Annex II, the volume measure of a particular segment s shall be equal to the following: V s= (V...