Azzopardi, Pauline | Malta | Association for Consumer Rights | Beneficiaries |
Bojceta Markoja, Dijana | Croatia | Association of Pension Funds and Pension Insurance Companies (UMFO) | IORPs |
Briganti, Francesco | Italy | Cross Border Benefits Alliance Europe | IORPs |
Buckley, Lisa | Ireland | Zurich Ireland Master Trust DAC | IORPs |
Calu, Monica | Romania | Consumatorii Uniti Association (Consumers United) | Beneficiaries |
Claramunt, M. Mercè | Spain | University of Barcelona | Academics |
Coughlan, Bryan | Germany, Ireland | BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation | Beneficiaries |
Cremades Erades, Victor | Spain | Association of Consumers and User of banks, saving banks, financial products and insurance (ADICAE) | Beneficiaries |
Delbecque, Bernard | Belgium | European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) | Professional associations |
Dimitrov, Stanislav | Bulgaria | VUZF University | Academics |
Duarte, Valdemar | Portugal | Portuguese Association of Investment Funds, Pension Funds and Asset Management (APFIPP) | IORPs |
Foley, Jim | Ireland | Trustee Decisions Ltd | IORPs |
Hadjistyllis, Stephanos | Cyprus, UK | AAE - Actuarial Association of Europe | Professional associations |
Jeanmart, Nicolas | Belgium | Insurance Europe | IORPs |
Karanikola, Iro | Greece | RiAct, University of the Aegean | SMEs |
Kupšys, Kęstutis | Lithuania | Lithuanian Consumers Alliance | Beneficiaries |
Leppälä, Matti | Finland | PensionsEurope | IORPs |
Maczynska, Aleksandra | Poland | BETTER FINANCE | Beneficiaries |
Meyenberg, Ute | France, Germany | CFDT Cadres | Employees |
Micilotta, Flavia | Italy | Diligent Vision | SMEs |
Miotto, Simone | Italy | European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) | IORPs |
Lundström, Johan | Sweden | Insurance Sweden | IORPs |
Motroni, Antonello | Italy | Assoeuropea | IORPs |
Nellshen, Stefan | Germany | Bayer-Pensionskasse VVaG | IORPs |
Neyt, Philip | Belgium | Pensioeninvest | IORPs |
Petelczyc, Janina | Poland | Warsaw School of Economics | Academics |
Pils, Gertrude | Austria | PEKABE (Austrian Association Of Beneficiaries Of IORPs) | Beneficiaries |
Riemen, Gerard | Netherlands | Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV) | Employees |
Steenbeek, Onno | Netherlands | APG Group | IORPs |
van Ewijk, Casper | Netherlands | Netspar | Academics |